11 Top Maize Producers In The World

11 Top Maize Producers In The World

When listing cereals highly consumed by people not just in Africa but globally, I guess Maize tops the list. It’s not surprising knowing the large amounts of maize cultivated in each country, especially those countries it serves as their economic mainstay, for example, Nigeria, because Maize tends to survive in harsh conditions and is also versatile as it can be used not only as a food stable but for industrial purposes.

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Being an affordable food staple in all producing countries, maize is usually found in almost every home as it’s consumed in various forms. There are various types of maize which include white maize, yellow, red, etc. However, amongst these listed maize types, consumers tend to stick to the white and yellow maize types.

Take Nigeria for an example, in some homes maize is cooked or paired with Beans, roasted, and paired with coconut, and pear. In other cases, it’s been transformed into popcorn. Though it’s not only grown or consumed by Africans, about 300 million Africans rely on the crop as their main food source, hence, you can imagine the number of its consumers worldwide.

Does Maize Have Origin?

Maize or corn wasn’t native to Africans before the 16th century. The incursion of the western traders and the mass return of slaves to Africa can be chalked up to the time maize was introduced to Africa.

Prior to its familiarity in Africa, some historians had asserted that maize was first domesticated in Mexico. In Tehuacan valley, probably around 1500.

Thus, from this very region, it spattered to places like Brazil, the USA, China, etc., which are today one of the top maize producers Worldwide.

There are steps for planting maize crops if you are looking to learn them, read this article. How To Produce Maize.

Here’s a list of the top maize producers in the world.

1. United States

According to Roxanne Dumbar-Ortiz, America has long before the exploratory activities of Columbus established itself as a corn producer which is why they are today the highest producer of maize. Though, in the United States, the common term for it is corn while maize was initiated by the British.

With over 96, 000, 000   acres of land dedicated exclusively to maize production, USA gets more than 354.19 million tonnes annually from maize crops, some of which are committed to industrial production, feeds for livestock, and masses. Then, about 13% of the output is thus exported.

The Corn Belt which is appended to all states in the midwestern parts of America is the main producer of corn as well other agricultural products.

2. China

Basically, all Northeast provinces of China such as Jinlin center in maize production which is estimated to amount to more than 274.0 million tons before the end of 2022.

With a provision of 4.2 million hectares of land exclusive for maize production in Jilin alone, the country clambers the list of the top maize producers in the world.

About 214 tonnes of these maize crops are fed to livestock, some for industrial production as well consumption.

3.  South Africa

Although, South Africa’s maize production output hasn’t mounted to the numbers gotten from the United States and the like. However, it’s one of the largest producers in Africa with an output of about 15. 3 million metric tons.

Maize production spreads across the whole of South Africa but areas such as Gauteng, Free state, Mpumalanga, and Northwest provinces are reckoned as the top producers of maize.

Farmers in these places get a massive return on their maize supplies.

4. Nigeria

Yes, maize isn’t native to Nigeria from start but since its introduction in Africa, Nigeria has picked up in mastering its production which is why it ranks second on the list of African countries that produces the crop.

Evidence of its commonality in Nigeria is its availability in every home in the country. Most Nigerians liquify their maize after subjecting it to a series of processes and the result is what they call ‘pap’ (Akamu or Ogi).

Nigeria is estimated to produce close to 23 million metric tons of maize before the end of 2022. States such are Oyo, Kastina, Bauchi, Niger, Gombe, Taraba, Borno, etc are known as the main producers of maize in Nigeria.

5. Argentina

In the whole of the South American continent, Argentina is ranked the second largest maize producer with an annual estimate of 55 million maize. It exports about 41 million tonnes per year all the while dispersing close to 14 million for domestic use. However, 10 million of these are used as feeds.

6. Ukraine

 Currently, Ukraine’s output in maize is affected by the chaos. Still, they are ranked one of the top world maize producers. Fourth even, with 31.5 million metric tonnes as its estimate by 2022/23.

Out of this, 11. 5 million tonnes are estimated to be used for feed.

This maize is usually cultivated in the country’s central to northern regions.

7. Mexico

With about 23 million metric tons of maize grown in Mexico, it’s no surprise maize is the most extensive crop cultivated in the country which makes Mexico one of the largest producers of maize in the world.

8. Russia

This is yet another maize production country in the world. Before 2023, Russia is expected to grow 15 million tonnes of maize. However, 4 million is expected to be exported whereas 11.2 million tonnes will be placed in use domestically while animal feed takes up to 10 million.

9. Ethiopia.

In the whole of the African continent, Ethiopia is reckoned as another significant maize producer as well exporter with about 8500 metric tons per year.

Mostly this maize cultivation is performed in regions like Amhara, Oromia and among other crops planted in the region, maize happens to be the main food crop derived from this region.

10. India

India has slowly crept up the list of the top world maize producers as its annual metric ton in 2021 ranges from about 31 million.

It’s usually grown in areas such as Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, etc. More so, 13% of the maize is portioned as animal feed whereas 54% is exported. In the past year, this 54% was exported to Bangladesh.

11. Egypt

Egypt is yet another country in Africa that is a significant maize producer. It produces 6,400 metric tons per year and also engages in exporting some portions.  Plus, about 50% of its produces goes to livestock.


Maize production is literally done in all continents except Antarctica but the difference is that in some places the yields are higher which prompts ranking based on countries that produce more than others.

In such cases, countries with higher yields such as the USA tend to dominate the market.

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