17 Elizabeth Arden Inspirational Quotes

17 Elizabeth Arden Inspirational Quotes

Elizabeth Arden was born in Canada in 1884 in Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada and she died in New York City on October 18, 1966. Elizabeth opened her first salon in New York City in 1910 and was instrumental in making the use of cosmetics respectable. By 1915, she was selling her products internationally and her company was on its way to becoming a global brand. In 1966 Arden died at the age of 81. By that time, there were already more than 100 Elizabeth Arden salons around the world.

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On the about page of Elizabetharden.com, you will read that Elizabeth Arden’s fundamental belief was that beauty should not be a veneer of makeup, but an intelligent cooperation between science and nature to develop a woman’s finest natural assets. She lived by her mantra, “To be beautiful is the birthright of every woman.”

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Now, 17 Elizabeth Arden Inspirational Quotes. Enjoy it and share it with your friends.

  1. Repetition makes reputation and reputation make customers.
  2. There’s only one Elizabeth like me and that’s the Queen.”
  3. Nothing that costs only a dollar is not worth having.”
  4. “Hold fast to life and youth.”
  5. I pick good women, but I haven’t had any luck with my men.”
  6. “Dear, never forget one little point. It’s my business. You just work here.”
  7. “I only want people around me who can do the impossible.”
  8. Every woman has the right to be beautiful.
  9. Hold fast to youth and beauty.
  10. “Repetition makes reputation.”
  11. It is remarkable what a woman can accomplish with just a little ambition
  12. “To achieve beauty, a woman must first achieve health.”
  13. “To be beautiful is the birthright of every women.
  14. I judge a woman and a horse by the same criteria: legs, head and rear end.”
  15. “There are only three American names that are known in every corner of the globe: Singer sewing machines, Coca Cola and Elizabeth Arden.”
  16. “You’ve got to spend a little money to make a little money.”
  17. I don’t sell cosmetics, I sell hope.”

Download the first chapter of The Storytelling Series: Beginners’ Guide for Small Businesses & Content Creators by Obehi Ewanfoh.

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