My 20 Bests and Worsts Of 2020 by Austin Isikhuemen

My 20 Bests and Worsts Of 2020 by Austin Isikhuemen

The year 2020 winds up by midnight today. Below I attempt to chronicle events, occurrences, and statements that, in my humble view, were the best or the worst of this annus horribilis. 

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  1. Worst Leadership example worldwide that took his/her country from the apogee of global respect to the valley of International opprobium – President Donald J. Trump.
  2. Best example of a David that slew Goliath in a political contestation with unfathomable ramifications for global multilateralism though initially called sleepy Joe by an overrated opponent – President-elect Joe Biden.
  3. Most daft explanation by a Presidential Spokesperson that brought hate rather than understanding to his principal, which was both a lie and lacked empathy – that the farmers did not obtain clearance from the military before going to harvest the rice they planted and nurtured on their farms made by Alhaji Garba Shehu.
  4. An event that generated happiness across Nigeria that represented a silver lining in a very cruel year and the unsafe environment – Anthony Joshua’s knockout of Kubrat Pulev.
  5. An outcome that looked impossible initially with the most awesome arsenal ever assembled against an assumed political neophyte by godfathers, spiritual and temporal leaders, and unforgiving rent collectors with deep pockets. – The victory of Governor Godwin Obaseki.
  6. The fastest ever development of a solution to a global health challenge with fatal outcomes and economic ruin possibilities – production of covid19 vaccine.
  7. The Governor with the most daunting challenges that have risen to superstardom by sheer force of character and love of his people in the face of political and security threats to his own life – Governor Zulum of Borno State.
  8. The worst performance by a national team in a new stadium that was hyped to engender superb performance of a big team playing against minows in African football – Eagles 4-4 draw after leading 4-0 against Sierra Leone.
  9. Most damaging leak of a memo by a long-serving head of state requesting security forces to undermine his opponent in campaigns in which he is facing a youthful opponent with no political experience – President Yoweri Museveni’s memo published by Bobi Wine on Twitter.
  10. Most humiliating arrest of an alleged scoundrel who thought he was untouchable and had high government officials at his beck and call – the arrest and extradition of Abdulrashid Abdullahi Maina
  11. Most repeated hoax by arrested officials and politicians during corruption trial sessions in order to get a temporary reprieve when things got hot – Feigned collapse.
  12. The man who has expressed shock indoors the most while presiding over citizens being killed and maimed in his country- President M. Buhari
  13. The town with the most number of SUVs kept in garages but whose owners take public transportation to and from Abuja for fear of kidnappers – Kaduna.
  14. The most un-believed spokesman who is regarded as doing a job opposite his job title – Lai Mohammed.
  15. The worldwide winner of the yet-to-be- instituted Award of Installer of a President in his number 1 enemy territory – Vladimir Putin.
  16. The group with the most erroneous predictions (called prophesies) in Nigeria’s history in 2020 – Pentecostal clerics couldn’t see covid19 coming.
  17. The most surprising project that was never talked about nor advertised but delivered to the surprise of naysayers – Edo Modular Refinery.
  18. The most hilarious, stupid, and ungodly claim by the government in 2020 – that they fed school children who were in lockdown with their parents at home with billions of naira.
  19. The most off-the-mark prediction by a respected international body in an area of their specialty – WHO prediction of the massive impact of covid19 in Africa.
  20. The most surprising gain through the blossom of a hidden talent that covid19 lockdown helped energize in 2020 – My writing skill.

Here is another article you might like – We Can Start Remaking Nigeria In 2023 by Austin Isikhuemen

Benin City, 31stDecember 2020 – Austin Isikhuemen

Download the first chapter of The Storytelling Series: Beginners’ Guide for Small Businesses & Content Creators by Obehi Ewanfoh.

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