41 Affirmations To Overcome Stress and Anxiety

41 Affirmations To Overcome Stress and Anxiety

These days our lives have become so chaotic that stress and anxiety have become the daily experience of most people. Claim your Benefits of Relaxing Music.

Over 70% of adults in the United States say they feel stress or anxiety daily, especially now with the global pandemic that has drastically changed the way of life of many people across the world.

Why such things as regular exercise can help lower stress and anxiety by releasing endorphins and improving your sleep and self-image, you need to force some positive energy into your being.

You need to be intentional about this. So, make sure you repeat these positive affirmations daily.

Preferably, first thing in the morning and before you go to bed, you can condition your mind with positive energy to overcome the stress and anxiety of the day.

Now, your Affirmations To Overcome Stress and Anxiety

  1. I’m ready for change and I will overcome every challenge.
  2. I’m strong and ready for a new me.
  3. This is a new day and I’m determined to rise and shine.
  4. I know I can offer more to this world and be happy about it.
  5. I can slow my breathing whenever I feel like doing so – I’m in charge here.
  6. I can move beyond anxiety and I’m doing so right now.
  7. I remain courageous and can overcome any situation.
  8. Life wants the best for me and I’m taking it one step at a time.
  9. I like my life; I’m in control here.
  10. I’ll be successful in my journey and that is by choice.
  11. There is much happiness in my life now.
  12. I am safe and protected from any harm or danger.
  13. Stress is not my portion; I will overcome this.
  14. I have the strength to deal with what is happening right now.
  15. I’m confident that everything will be okay.
  16. This hard time has not come to stay, it has come to go.
  17. I can get through anything that comes my way.
  18. Every day I’m creating a better future with my thought.
  19. I’m in charge here and now.
  20. I forgive myself and set myself free from past mistakes.
  21. I am safe and protected all the time.
  22. I am in the process of recreating a new me and I trust my decisions.
  23. I am at peace and l love who I am becoming.
  24. I love and appreciate my body.
  25. I cannot be held back by any guilt.
  26. I deserve all the good there is.
  27. I’m safe and well.
  28. I’m entering into a new me, new progress and happiness.
  29. My part in life is joy and ease.
  30. I’m an expression of love and I experience it wherever I go.
  31. I do not have to prove myself to anyone.
  32. The past is now over and a new me has just been born.
  33. I welcome success and progress into my life.
  34. I am in the process of positive change and I love it.
  35. I trust the process of my life.
  36. I forgive myself for any past mistakes.
  37. I’m ready for a new me and the troubles in the world will not hold me back.
  38. All is well around me.
  39. What I give out comes back to me and I choose to give love.
  40. I say yes to life and a new me, life says yes to me too.
  41. I am at peace with myself and this is the best time to be alive.

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