43 Affirmations to Manifest Abundance In Your Life

43 Affirmations to Manifest Abundance In Your Life

What if you realize that you have the power to easily attract some life-changing abundance to your life? What if the life you really want is the type where money is no longer a source of stress to you but something you can attract? 

Learn How to Leverage Your Story through our Story To Asset Transformation (S.A.T) Framework.

Well, that power is within you. You possess the power to manifest limitless abundance and success in your life. Even today and right now, you can drive into the right vibe and attract positive energy to yourself.

See also 5 Lessons About Positive Thinking And How To Apply Them In Your Personal Life

Right now, tap into the power of these affirmations and foster a belief of positive, mental attitude to attract abundance to your life.

  1. I am worthy of what I desire and they are all coming to me now.
  2. I am grateful for the positive things in my life.
  3. I am open to limitless possibilities – this is why I’m here.
  4. The universe is faithful to me and I achieve whatever I set my mind to.
  5. I believe in myself and the infinite possibilities around me.
  6. I am a blessing and ready to share my gifts with the world.
  7. I surrender to the wisdom of the Universe and I’m confident of it.
  8. I am my best source of motivation and it always works for me.
  9. I choose faith over fear and solutions over problems.
  10. I attract abundance into my life.
  11. I am a magnet for opportunities and possibilities.
  12. I am aligned with my purpose in life.
  13. I accept the positive changes in my life.
  14. I am attracting the abundance in the universe and they are on their way.
  15. I deserve greatness.
  16. I attract money and all the good things of life, easily.
  17. I am a money magnet and I always have enough.
  18. I make money work for me and make more money.
  19. I am grateful for the success on my part.
  20. I love success and success loves me.
  21. I am generous with my money and it produces more money every day.
  22. I am attracting more wealth and abundance.
  23. I am worthy of the best and open to the best there is.
  24. I am financially free and I help others to be free too.
  25. I am aligned with my life purpose.
  26. I am a magnet for money and possibilities.
  27. I am aligned with the best in the universe.
  28. I attract abundance to my life.
  29. I’m a source of joy to others.
  30. I deserve the great things of life.
  31. I am grateful for the success on my part.
  32. I attract the good things of life effortlessly.
  33. I welcome the highest and best for all.
  34. I conquer all my money goals and happiness.
  35. I overcome all money obstacles in my way.
  36. I am united with the abundance and positive energy in the universe.
  37. I am proud of myself and what I represent.
  38. I attract positive and loving individuals into my life.
  39. I choose my part in life and I celebrate it every step of the way.
  40. I welcome every opportunity to advance my life course.
  41. My life is overflowing with abundance and greatness.
  42. I am open to unlimited possibilities.
  43. I am the miracle of life.

Learn How to Leverage Your Story through our Story To Asset Transformation (S.A.T) Framework.

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