5 Key Questions To Ask Your Web Developer Before Starting

A website is the best way to showcase your business. It’s an opportunity to make that first impression, give comfort that you are a real business, and show off your brand. Good web design is crucial for good conversion rates. Every element on the page needs to be focused on one goal: driving conversions and leads.
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Does my Business need a website?
Websites are essential to all businesses, so the short answer is “Yes” and now is the perfect time to invest in building a site. Whether you sell products or services, your website can offer many benefits and these benefits tend to grow over time.
The question as to whether your business really needs a website is now done with. And you should have no more doubt that a website is the cornerstone of any company, large or small.
A website is not just a place to find information, it’s an extension of your business. Websites are the perfect marketing tool and a way to connect with customers, clients, and partners.
Say you are now convinced and you want to create a website for your business and you want to hire someone to do it for you. Here are some of the key questions you need to ask the developer or website builder.
How would you pay, per project or hourly rate?
This is an option you need to evaluate well enough. Accepting an hourly rate agreement gives you little control over the costs. What if your website is only partially completed or the developer is nowhere to be found?
Inevitably, you will have to pay more money to get your website finished and this is a strain you might want to avoid as you are starting up your new business.
That is why the terms of payment whether per project or hourly rate need to be clarified.
Who will do the website maintenance and what does that even mean?
From time to time, your website will need updates and a few changes from here and there. Who will take care of that?
Website maintenance is a process of keeping your website up-to-date and running smoothly. It includes tasks like ensuring all the links on your site are in working order, maintaining the security and integrity of your site, performing backups to ensure disaster recovery, helping with migrations from old software or hardware, and more.
If the developer offers maintenance service, what are his charges and turn-around time? This is an important decision you need to consider from the onset before signing the contract.
Are you ok with the completion date of the website?
Time is everything and planning ahead of your time is just as crucial as starting your own business. You want to be in a position to plan ahead for the launch, and knowing when your website will be ready will be very important for you.
Remember to talk about the completion time with your developer and be sure that you are ok with it.
Who is doing your website (SEO) search engine optimization?
Proper site optimization is very important for your business success and this is usually an add-on service to the package. For your interest, you need to consider this as one of your 5 Key Questions To Ask Your Web Developers.
Keyword research and keyword optimization are important aspects of SEO along with optimizing the content for mobile devices. This includes considering the speed of a website, using appropriate meta tags, adding images and videos, and updating outdated information.
Find out if your developer includes it with his website plan or as an additional cost. For more about search engines, consider our online course on the topic: Easy Traffic Strategy
Are you convinced of the developer’s competence?
You don’t want to underestimate the developer you are considering for the job. A website is a major component of your marketing strategy and business success, especially these days.
So, make sure you do your own due research before selecting a web developer, and don’t hesitate to ask as many questions as possible, to better understand his capability.
Your key takeaways the 5 key questions to ask your web developer before starting
Websites are an integral part of businesses today. They are a way to easily communicate information about a person or business. Having a website for your business can show people that you are trustworthy and legitimate, as well as give them information about your products and services.
Because you are most likely going to hire some else to do the website creation for your business, it is essential that you have a good idea of what is going on.
Now you have heard it. So, go out there and look for the right developer for your website. Don’t procrastinate, take action now for your business and run with it.
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