65 Morning Affirmations for Positive Energy

65 Morning Affirmations for Positive Energy

Attract the right energy to start the day. Why? You might ask. Well, it’s generally accepted that good energy can boost our feelings of well-being, decreases our feelings of anxiety, and improve our overall enjoyment with other people. 

Learn How to Leverage Your Story through our Story To Asset Transformation (S.A.T) Framework.

Do you want to raise your energy level and align yourself with positive vibrations for the rest of the day? Then listen to these short affirmations for Positive Energy.

See also Harnessing the Power of African Diaspora Heritage for Positive Change

If possible, repeat them, first thing in the morning, for at least 21 days, and you would have boosted up your level of positive energy.

Now, your morning affirmations for Positive Energy.

  1. I am so grateful to be alive this morning.
  2. This is my day and I feel healthy and strong to take it.
  3. I am excited today and I know it.
  4. I have the right energy to make today a wonderful day.
  5. I love myself.
  6. I’m ready to face today
  7. I am open to opportunities.
  8. I am ready and able to make smart decisions today.
  9. I am grateful for another day to make a positive contribution.
  10. I’m positive about today and it’s going to be a great day.
  11. I’m blessed every day.
  12. I am full of joy.
  13. I feel peace all around me.
  14. I am happy and content with my life.
  15. I am positive.
  16. I live in abundance and I’m richly blessed
  17. I will fulfil my destiny.
  18. I am patient and calm and looking forward to today.
  19. Today is another opportunity for me
  20. I am committed to my personal growth.
  21. I’m stronger than I was yesterday.
  22. I am capable of overcoming anything.
  23. I am resilient and strong for today.
  24. Nothing can stand in my way of success.
  25. Today is my day and I will overcome anything.
  26. I learn and grow every day.
  27. I am powerful enough for today.
  28. I always pick myself back up when I fall.
  29. I will arrive because I will not stop
  30. I disconnect from what no longer serves me.
  31. I am ready for the new me.
  32. I am well rested, can start anew.
  33. I’m creating the best version of me
  34. My body is powerful.
  35. I will be productive today.
  36. I am attracting only positive energy.
  37. I wake up with a smile this morning.
  38. I feel so good and alive.
  39. I am focused on my goals.
  40. I attract success and happiness.
  41. I am brimming with great ideas.
  42. My mind is clear and ready for action.
  43. I am organized.
  44. Today is just right for me.
  45. I will succeed in today’s work and always.
  46. I believe in myself and my abilities.
  47. I am wonderfully made.
  48. My confidence and self-esteem are higher today.
  49. I love myself.
  50. I know that opportunities are looking for me today.
  51. The people in my life love me.
  52. I represent the best version of myself.
  53. I radiate confidence and hope.
  54. I make decisions that support my highest good.
  55. I am fearless.
  56. I will make today a great day.
  57. I am, and always will be enough for me.
  58. “I acknowledge my own self-worth – my confidence is rising this morning.”
  59. I accept all that is good.
  60. “I’m attracting only the best of circumstances.
  61. I am willing to take action and face my fears.
  62. “I have unlimited power.”
  63. “I am focused on my goals and feel passionate about my work.”
  64. I am living to my full potential.”
  65. I create the life I want and I enjoy it.

Learn How to Leverage Your Story through our Story To Asset Transformation (S.A.T) Framework.

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