77 Positive Affirmations for Health – Attract Your Desires Through Manifestation

Positive affirmations are a powerful tool that can help boost your mental health. It’s possible to use them as a home remedy or part of a treatment protocol. You can say positive affirmations while in the shower, before bed, or while going to sleep during difficult times.
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Affirmations are positive statements that can help you to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts. They are an effective way of changing your mindset by teaching you how to think more positively.
Affirmations can be found in many forms, such as text, spoken word, journaling, or visualization exercises.
See also How To Improve Your Mindset With Positive Affirmations
As Napoleon Hil said, “Whatever Your Mind Can Conceive and Believe, It Can Achieve.” So at this very moment, open your mind, feel the goodness, breadth in, and breadth out. Invite goodness, health, and wealth into your life.
With the right mindset, affirmations have the power to heal conditions on a spectrum of diseases, ranging from mild to serious.
Affirmations can also be used as a mood enhancer in illnesses that have not resulted in physical maladies yet, such as anxiety or depression.
- I am well.
- My body is full of healthy energy.
- I am healthy, happy, and radiant.
- Your mind is a super magnet.
- Right now, you are attracting whatever your mind is thinking.
- Your feelings are sending out vibrations, bringing back whatever you feel.
- I appreciate and love my body
- I love feeling fit and strong. It is easy for me to eat well and exercise regularly
- The older I get, the healthier I become
- I radiate good health.
- I am calm and at peace
- I am focused and motivated
- My sleep is relaxed and refreshing.
- I have all the energy I need to accomplish my goals.
- My body is healed, restored, and filled with energy.
- I have abundant energy, vitality, and well-being.
- My body maintains its ideal weight and health
- I am filled with energy for all the daily activities in my life.
- My mind is at peace.
- I choose to be at a healthy weight
- Every day, in every way, I am becoming better and better.
- I am healthy and happy.
- When I rest all the cells of my body relax and come together as a team
- I love my body
- I love myself deeply and completely
- Love is here for me
- Support is everywhere
- I surround myself with loving people, situations, and messages
- I have compassion and love for my body
- I am radiant
- I am kind to myself
- I am courageous, positive, and filled with self-belief
- When my body sends me a message, I pause, breathe into it and imagine light flushing through my body
- Love is the answer
- I love myself unconditionally
- I love my body and am grateful for it
- The cells of my body are listening to me
- I speak to my body with positive intent
- My body takes its lead from me
- My mind has a powerful healing effect on my body
- I choose thoughts of total wellness
- I thank my body for all the messages it gives me
- I am grateful that my body tells me when something needs adjusting
- I listen to the intuition I have about my healing
- I trust myself
- I am a powerful creator of my health and wellbeing
- I talk to the cells of my body in a loving way
- My body is infinitely intelligent and has the capability to support itself
- I consciously create mental and emotional balance, helping my body’s natural healing mechanisms to function
- I live in quantum reality and my body heals in miraculous ways
- My mind is calm, my breathing is deep and steady, my body is listening to my healing intent
- My thoughts are my sacred territory and I get to choose which direction I focus them, and they are powerful
- I support my wellness with meditation, visualization, and positive uplifting perspectives
- My body is listening to my self-talk and I speak to it lovingly
- My body is strong and healing.
- My immune system is healing my body.
- My health is getting better each day.
- I am surrounded by healing energy.
- I am healed.
- I am healthy and whole.
- I have perfect health.
- Affirmations For Appreciating My Body
- I am grateful for my body.
- I respect my body.
- My body is my vessel.
- I only put healthy foods into my body.
- My body is strong and resilient.
- My body is beautiful just the way it is.
- I love myself and my body.
- Your future is bright.
- Your future is great.
- Your health is stellar, you are good and it is good about you.
- Your body is healthy.
- As you meditate on these affirmations for health, open your heart and mind.
- Believe that you are healthy.
- You are healthy.
- As you believe, so is the manifestation of all that is good
Learn How to Leverage Your Story through our Story To Asset Transformation (S.A.T) Framework.