8 Historic Places to See in Palermo, Italy as A First-Time Visitor

8 Historic Places to See in Palermo, Italy as A First-Time Visitor

Palermo is one of the largest and most spectacular cities in the region of Sicily. The imprints of different cultures and empires that once controlled the city’s birth its rich history are still evident today. There are many must-see attractions in Palermo, which continuously draws many tourists to the city. Get our free Travel Checklist

Do you want to learn more about Palermo? Consider reading our first article on the series: Palermo Top Visits: History and Tourism in Palermo, Italy

Are you thinking of visiting Palermo for the first time? Here are some interesting places you should explore in the city. Now, let’s talk more about each of these historic places and why you might spend your time visiting them.

Enjoy your tour of Ballaro street Market

Ballaro street market is the oldest and the largest market in Palermo. It’s colorful views and spicy scent elicits all senses with joy!

If you are a foodie, you definitely should stride the market’s aisles. The stalls in the market are stuffed with different types of fruits, vegetables, meat, fresh fish, and other local staples.

Surely, the market is noisy as the food vendors call on passers-by and tourists to sight and purchase their goods; but in their local dialects. These yells to attract attention to goods by the vendors is called “abbanniate.”

At the market, you will get to taste the local staples and, most of all, get things at an affordable rate. That can be quite an experience as a beginner visitor to Palermo.

It would be best if you never missed walking around the Ballaro market, as you will enjoy its colorful sight the most.

Visit the famous Palermo Cathedral

The famous portico by Antonio Gambara. Photo by Berthold Werner – wikimedia commons

If there’s a place you shouldn’t miss visiting, then it’s the city’s cathedral!

Originally, the cathedral served as a mosque in the 9th century when the Saracens dominated the city. Afterward, it was transformed into a cathedral in 1185 by Walter Ophamil, the Norman archbishop of Palermo.

Over the years, the building has undergone some restorations, and the last of its reconstruction took effect in the 19th century by Giuseppe Fernanzio Marvuglia.

Its exterior is stunning with the blend of different architectural styles, and the pleasant part of it is that you can tour the interiors with no tickets except for a few important areas.

I recommend you get cheap tickets and climb the terrace where you can sight Palermo in full view.

You can also visit the crypt where tombs of famous individuals in the city are kept, like King Roger II,  the archbishop Walter Ophamil, and others beyond mentioning.

And yes! you should also visit the cathedral’s Treasury, behold the royal jewelry of the medieval period and more.

Explore Palermo beautiful Beaches

As a port city, Palermo has several priceless beaches, ideal for relaxation and a picturesque view of the beautiful sea.

The soothing breeze, the angelic sun-kissed surroundings, and the golden sand are simply irresistible! Don’t forget to visit. At least, one time during your stay in Palermo.

Famous among these beaches is Mondello beach, but there are certainly other beaches you can enjoy across the city.

These beaches have bars, hotels, restaurants where you can rest and have some tasty snacks. Here you will find other people you can chit-chat with and make your visit to the city memorable.

Relax At Giardino Garibaldi

The city’s prominent park offers serenity, beauty, and vigor.

Garibaldi Park is a breath-taking green environment that you can’t afford to miss in Palermo. The park was established in 1861 by Giovan Battista Filippo Basile.

It houses the Ficus tree, considered the oldest and largest in Europe, and it’s fenced by an iron gate engraved with stunning drawings and strange letters.

You can easily read a book, meditate and chill from stress, and long walks along the areas.

You will surely enjoy visiting here on your next trip to the city.

Catacombe Dei Cappuccini (Capuchin Catacombs)

“Professionals’ Corridor” in the Capuchin Catacombs

Have you seen a well-preserved mummy before? You need to explore this impressive crypt. For over five centuries, the crypt has housed more than 7000 mummies.

The Capuchin Catacombs is situated at the church of Lady of Peace (Santa Maria Della Peace) in Italian.

The mausoleum was meant to preserve the mummified bodies of monks and nuns, but the deceased locals were later preserved there too.

As creepy as it may sound, it’s definitely a place worth touring, and over time, the crypt has been bursting with tourists coming to the city. I would like to advise you not to go there with your kids for some reasons.

There are numerous mummies hung on the wall, seated on the stool, or in other positions. What makes this place beautiful is that the deceased’s family can change the cloth of their dead at least once a year.

Visit Alessandro Di Camporeale winery.

Do you want to witness a fabulous eno-gastronomic tour in Palermo? Then never miss visiting this winery!

The Alessandro Di Camporeale winery was established in 2000 by three brothers, and all through these years, tourists have been flooding this spot.

Regarded as one of the best wineries in Palermo, it transforms the traditional grape staples into tasty wine with modern technology and it never loses its authentic taste.

It’s indeed a good place to visit while in Palermo and experiencing a true taste of Italian wine.

Visit the extra-large Teatro Massimo

No doubt that La Scala opera house is very renowned, the Palermo theater house is one of the largest in Italy and Europe.

Its exterior is masterfully designed in neoclassical architecture style. The first stone of the building was laid in 1874, and in 1897 after its erection, it was inaugurated.

However, the building was dedicated to King Victor Emmanuel II. Its acoustics makes the building very exceptional during performances.

Visit the theater and enjoy the beautiful performances.

Tour The Regional Archaeological Museum (Antonio Salinas)

Museo archeologico regionale di Palermo. Room with Roman exhibits. Photo by Bjs – Wikimedia Commons

Another must-see site in Palermo is the Regional Archaeological Museum. It is one of the largest, most famous, and most important museums in Italy, and it’s a few minutes’ walk from Massimo theater.

The Museum was erected in the 16th century and was dedicated to the famous archeologist Antonio salinas.

It features many Roman, Phoenician, Etruscan and Greek artifacts, which are the people who influenced the city’s richness in history.

Concluding notes 8 historic places to see in Palermo, Italy as a first-time visitor

Palermo has a rich history, culminated by the footprints of different cultures and powers that once dominated the city, leaving it on the sands of time. Recently, the city has been exploding as many tourists strive to visit its important landmarks.

Palermo is definitely a place to visit in Italy as a beginner traveler.

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