Search Results for: Goal setting

How To Set Effective Goals – Goal Setting Series

How To Set Effective Goals – Goal Setting Series

Effective goal setting will make it possible for you to overcome Procrastination, Stay Motivated, Measure your Progress, and remain focused. Do you want to learn how to effectively set goals in 2023 going forward? Then keep reading. Want to learn about Business Mindset and Content Creation Strategy? Then, AClasses Content Academy. Welcome to our series of articles on Goal setting. If…

Why You Need To Start Setting Goals Today – Goal Setting Series

Why You Need To Start Setting Goals Today – Goal Setting Series

Setting goals by determining your path is one of the most critical steps to success both in your personal life and in business. It’s important to define, recognize, and own that path as it will be the fuel needed for you to achieve. A plan is essential in order to be committed and held accountable…

Leveraging The Opportunities In the Creative Economy By African Diasporans – Dr Chetachi Egwu

Leveraging The Opportunities In the Creative Economy By African Diasporans – Dr Chetachi Egwu

In an increasingly interconnected world, the creative economy represents a great opportunity, offering fertile ground for innovation, expression, and economic growth. In a recent podcast interview with Dr Chetachi Egwu, she helped us understand that within this promising landscape, the African diaspora stands a great chance, wielding unique perspectives, talents, and cultural richness based on…

Understanding Self-Belief And Accessing The Inner Power Within You – Dr Ruchi Mishra Sharma

Understanding Self-Belief And Accessing The Inner Power Within You – Dr Ruchi Mishra Sharma

Do you ever find yourself overwhelmed by self-doubt and anxiety? Do you feel like you’re constantly battling against your own inner dialogue, questioning whether you’re truly good enough? If so, you’re not alone. Many of us struggle with feelings of inadequacy and fear sometimes, but the good news is that there are ways to overcome…