Search Results for: small business

Learn About The Best Marketing Strategies For Small Businesses With Eny Osung

Learn About The Best Marketing Strategies For Small Businesses With Eny Osung

Do you want to learn some of the best Marketing Strategies For your Small Business? You are in the right place. A marketing strategy entails an organization’s deliberate promotional endeavors, strategically distributing resources across diverse platforms and channels. The overarching goal is to increase sales while forging a lasting competitive edge in the specific market…

5 Conversion Stories To Leverage In Your Small Business

5 Conversion Stories To Leverage In Your Small Business

Conversion stories are narratives or anecdotes used in marketing and sales strategies to influence potential customers to take a desired action, typically leading to a purchase or some other form of engagement. These stories are designed to resonate with the audience, create an emotional connection, and ultimately convince them to convert from being prospects to…

Why Storytelling Works For Small Businesses And Why You Need To Leverage It

Why Storytelling Works For Small Businesses And Why You Need To Leverage It

In today’s modern business world, where algorithms and analytics reign supreme, a timeless force is quietly reshaping the way small businesses thrive. It’s not groundbreaking technology or a revolutionary strategy. It’s the art of storytelling – an age-old tradition that has seamlessly transitioned into the digital age, becoming the cornerstone of effective marketing for small…

Storytelling Techniques – How To Approach It For Your Small Business!

Storytelling Techniques – How To Approach It For Your Small Business!

I have loved storytelling since my childhood. I grew up with my grandmother and that should explain the why. I created the 5-part book series (The Storytelling Series for Small Businesses and Content Creators) from a research project I carried out in Verona about the presence of Africans in northern Italy. Want to learn more?…

Cash Flow Success for Small Businesses within the African Diaspora Community

Cash Flow Success for Small Businesses within the African Diaspora Community

Managing cash flow effectively is a critical factor in the success and sustainability of small businesses, especially within the African Diaspora community. These businesses face unique challenges and opportunities that necessitate a focused approach to cash flow management. Download the first chapter of The Storytelling Series: Beginners’ Guide for Small Businesses & Content Creators by Obehi Ewanfoh….

Unleash the Potential of Digital Storytelling: Elevate Your Small Business with Compelling Narratives

Unleash the Potential of Digital Storytelling: Elevate Your Small Business with Compelling Narratives

In today’s business landscape, where attention spans are fleeting and competition is fierce, the art of storytelling has emerged as a powerful tool for small business owners looking to captivate and connect with their audience.   Want to learn more? Start by downloading the first chapter of The Storytelling Series: Beginners’ Guide for Small Businesses & Content Creators…