Arising Africans – Diaspora Connect & Networking

Con circa 39 milione della Diaspora Africana in North America, 113 milione in America Latina, 13.6 milione nella Caribi e 3.5 milione in Europa, giusto per citare alcune, secondo la stima della World Bank, la diaspora africana ha delle risorse che è quasi inestimabile.

Download the first chapter of The Storytelling SeriesBeginners’ Guide for Small Businesses & Content Creators by Obehi Ewanfoh.

Noi siamo convinti che tramite una buona collaborazione e networking, possiamo imparare tra di noi e migliorare la nostra esperienza comune come persone di origini Africana. Ecco cosa si tratta queste serie “Diaspora Connect& Networking

In Italia per esempio, ci sono diverse associazioni e organizzazioni basata sulla realtà africana. Alcuni sono piccoli e alcune sono grandi, ma tutti hanno delle storie importanti nell’interno della comunità diaspora africana. Con la Diaspora Connect & Networking, abbiamo l’intenzione di raccontare tutte queste storie, uno alla vota.

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Oggi, per esempio, paliamo di uno, Arising Africans, un l’idea per riunire i giovani afro – discendenti in Italia. È un progetto ideato in 2015 da una giovane nigeriana, Ada Ugo Abara. 

A short Bio of Ada Ugo Abara.

I was born in Nigeria and raised in a small town in Northern Italy. I obtained my BA in Political Sciences, International Relations and Human Rights at the University of Padova, then I completed my MSc in Development, Cooperation and Innovation in the Global Economy at the University of Turin back in 2017.

In 2015 I founded the association Arising Africans ( and started deconstructing stereotypes and promoting cultural awareness on black Italy and diasporas in Europe. Amongst our projects, we realized a short movie titled “Io sono Rosa Parks” that premiered at the Venice Film Festival in 2018 and we are now promoting 8 spots on systemic racism called “Fading”.

I am a project management and implementation consultant working with different public and private entities. My latest challenge is becoming an expert of Information and Communication Technologies for Social Good. I am combining both theory and practice: I work with innovative startups, deepen my studies and focus on D-Tech Podcast (, my latest podcasting project on digital transformation for-profit and nonprofit organizations and youth entrepreneurs.

Download the first chapter of The Storytelling SeriesBeginners’ Guide for Small Businesses & Content Creators by Obehi Ewanfoh.

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