The Best 7 Strategies to Build Your Memory

Are you the kind of person who would love to have a very sharp memory and get to learn all difficult/different names? Well, we all want to opt for some ways that can help us all have a pretty sharp memory when it comes to chores and all basic work.

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Most of the time we come across some phases during which we forget some important notes or even forget about our car keys. To get rid of such troubleshooting phases some amazing strategies can help us to have a sharp memory.

7 Strategies to Have Better Memory

Memory building is an essential part of leading a great life. However, many people fail to keep a strong hold on their memory due to various reasons. But, the best 7 strategies that can help us in retaining our memory are jotted down:

1.    Sleep after learning will help with Building Your Memory

We learn a lot of things every day. We learn about new stuff and add the latest news and information into our brains. And with age and the passage of time, we often forget about new stuff especially new and latest memories as these are brittle. As we grow older, the more we read, write, or learn is often forgotten by us pretty quickly.

Hence, to retain memory, the best possible way – both synoptically and systemically is consolidation. Many parameters support consolidation and one such is SLEEP. Sleeping after learning new study material helps to eradicate environmental stimuli that might interfere with our learning and memory. Hence adequate sleep is recommended to boost the memorization process.

2.    Build Your Memory with Visualization

Quite a few times our brains cannot detect what is real and what is imaginary. What we imagine mentally often detects and turns on certain regions of our brain. And with the help of mental practice, you can improve certain skills and tasks. The method of loci also commonly called memory palace has helped several people in sharpening their memory fast.

People who can learn/know every name and remember all decks of cards often use the method of loci process. The method of loci helps in enhancing memory by strengthening the ability to visualize. Photographs, textbooks, and charts have always played a very important role in helping people learn and retain memory in a great way.

You can also draw pie charts and different images to learn certain conceptual stuff that can stay in your brain for a long.

3.    Writing it out by hand can increase Memory-building

Our education system has changed a lot. Most of our work is done on computers which have created pretty hassle in our brain and memory system. Students no longer adopt the old ways of hand-writing rather they take notes on their laptops or mobiles. The same is seen in offices as well.

But in reality, if we write stuff or learn things by writing them in our notebooks we can sharpen our memory to a considerable extent. To retain all the important information the best possible way is to write it down by hand on a piece of paper or in a notebook. This way we can easily get a hold of all the basic information.

4.    Review your work to keep more memories

Repetition is also essential in having optimum memory within our brains. Revising important information over and over again can help to boost memory positively. Students often revise study material before their exams and this has helped many in doing well in their exams. Thus revise all important information beforehand.  

5.    Test yourself every now and then

Once you have jotted down every important piece of information and reviewed it repeatedly, the next best option is to test you sincerely. How you can do that? It’s pretty easy as all you need to do is to take a quiz of yourself, you can also create a questionnaire and test yourself with it.

The more focused and attentive you turn out to be in learning the more likely you are going to retain all important information. Also once you plan to learn something make sure your content is organized so that all this is stuffed into your brain in a much more precise way.

6.    Focus and space it out

Focus is the main key to learning something new. We tend to multitask while learning important stuff and hence often fail to retain all important information. Thus, the best way is to sit quietly and focus on the study material. Also spacing out information is another very important strategy in sharpening memory.

To learn and retain memory perfectly in our mind the best way is to divide your everyday learning material and learn it accordingly. If you prefer to learn all the information in one go then you are unlikely to retain it for long. This space is all important information and learn it accordingly.

7.    Exercise and create mnemonics

Exercise has tons of advantages when it comes to our health system. We as humans are born with many neurons in our memory system. However, half-hour exercises such as cardio can increase the number of neurons in our brain. The more neurons we have in our memory center the more likely we are going to retain information within our brains.

Exercising also helps to remove stress and anxiety thus promoting sleep and memory in the best way.

We all know about mnemonics and how the whole process is done. As kids, we have always created different mnemonics to learn all important information such as study material. One can create mnemonics in the form of names or songs to learn all important information. Novelty or mnemonic devices are best for learning all significant things.

Conclusion on The Best 7 Strategies to Build Your Memory

All the above-listed strategies are widely accepted as these have helped many people retain significant chunks of information within their brains. These strategies are also medically proven and worked upon by researchers to let other people take advantage of them.

By following these tips, you are likely going to benefit a great deal in boosting your memory system.

Want to learn more about storytelling? Start by downloading the first chapter of The Storytelling Series for Small Businesses.

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