Dr Jonathan Lanidune talks about Agricultural production in Ghana

The Ghanaian main agricultural products include Cocoa, cassava, tomatoes, pepper, yam, plantain, maize, oil palm, groundnuts, cocoyam, rice, oranges, onions, sorghum and pineapples and more.  In our recent podcast, we asked Dr Jonathan Lanidune a series of questions about the Ghanaian Agricultural sector. The full podcast is hereunder.

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Dr Jonathan Lanidune PMP® is an experienced development professional with more than 15 years in programme and project management – private sector capacity building, producer/cooperative organizations development in Ghana.

“The Ghanaian agricultural production”, said Dr Jonathan has been increasing steadily. Of courses, agriculture and food production are extremely vital for African economics. In many parts of Africa, we have somewhere around 70% of the population who are engaged in agriculture, yet the people cannot feed themselves.

This, of course, speaks to the fact that most of the agricultural practices in Africa are not working or if you like substandard at best.

Many people are still relying on some outdated farming methods whereas, in many other places, agriculture has fast embraced technology and experiencing a rapid transformation, from concept, planting and the marketing of agricultural produces.

Like many other African countries, Ghanaians are not excepted from the general predicaments facing African farmers.

As reported by the Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare, the majority of the Ghanaians populations live in rural areas where their livelihoods depend on smallholding agriculture.

“Smallholding farmers produce about 28.3% of GDP and 10% of all exports by value. It is estimated that 85% of cereals, 40% of rice and 100% of starch staple food, including significant exports and raw materials for local industries are produced by this type of farming system.” Added the report, An Evaluation of Challenges Facing Smallholders in Ghana: A Case Study for the Aowin Suaman District.

According to Dr Jonathan, there have been a number of policies that are introduced by the Ghanaian government towards modernising the agricultural sector. From the previous government to this government, there is a serious effort with quite a number of initiatives to increase agricultural productivity.

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Download the first chapter of The Storytelling SeriesBeginners’ Guide for Small Businesses & Content Creators by Obehi Ewanfoh.

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