How To Create Brand Awareness For Your Business In Simple Steps

How To Promote Your Business 

Want to learn how to create brand awareness for your business in simple steps? Then keep reading. In today`s world, African diaspora entrepreneurs need to know how to promote their products and services around the world and connect to other millions of people in the African diaspora community. Promoting your business will bring world-class awareness and massive sales to you. So, pay attention. 

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There are two easy questions you need to answer to determine the success of your business: 

  1. Can you offer what people want at a price they are willing to pay?
  2. Can you get your offer in front of those people? 

Nine out of ten people, start a business to be capable, competent, and even brilliant in the first part. They know their industry and can provide what people want.  The second part is where things get even more tricky. How do you get your offer to the right people? In other words, how do you promote your business so that people can be aware of your offers? 

Today, we will cover simple but highly effective ways to promote your business. All of these can be implemented quickly without the need for special expertise or significant investment on your part. 

If you are looking for new ways to reach your target audience, you’re in the right place. Now, let’s get started.

Define your business name and create a logo to better build your brand awareness

Brand names and logos are the most visible recognitions for any company. As an entrepreneur, brand awareness should be your ultimate goal. Let people know your business for a particular brand name and logo. It may seem easy, but this method sells best. You just need to instill the trust and credibility that will make others spread out your good work.

Let`s take for example brand names like Coca-Cola, Gucci, Flour Mills, Denote, Cuba Bank, Apple, MT, Google, Nestle, Sunlight, and Indamine. These brand names act as identities that people can connect and associate with. In today`s business world, brand name sells even more than the product itself. So, you need to make a conscious effort to create brand awareness for your business.

I understand that hiring a design company to create a custom logo for your business can be costly. However, if your budget is limited, you can choose to create your logo using an online logo maker.

Here are some 11 free log makers you can easily use to create your logo:

  1. Adobe Creative Cloud Express Logo Maker,
  2. Looka Logo Maker,
  3. Canva Logo Generator,
  4. Shopify Free Logo Maker,
  5. Wix Logo Maker,
  6. DesignEvo Free Logo Maker,
  7. Tailor Brands Logo Maker,
  8. Squarespace Free Logo Generator,
  9. NameCheap Logo Design Tool,
  10. Ucraft Logo Maker,
  11. Zyro Free Logo Maker.

To promote your business efficiently start with a unique name on which you can build your business reputation along with your logo.

Create a website and Google my business account

Setting up a website is an easy way to promote your business. Making sure your website is attractive, functional, accessible, and mobile-friendly is the hardest part, but it can make your business look more professional and easily accessible to your clients.

Building a WordPress website gives you more control over your business online. However, you can also use other content tools to build your website. Ensure that your metadata is accurate and complies with Google webmaster guidelines.

Google My Business Account is also a great way to promote your business. It is a small business directory with three main business benefits.

  1. Help local businesses be listed in Google Maps and Search.
  2. Makes it easier for people searching for products and services offered through SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to find your business.
  3. You will receive free “3-pack” ads especially when customers start leaving positive reviews about your business.

In addition, make sure your business list contains three key pieces of information called NAP, Name, Address, and Telephone Number.

Use social media to create brand awareness for your business

Social media is a powerful marketing tool that businesses can use to create brand awareness. A recent study found that companies who engage in social media marketing see an increase in sales revenue, which makes it an important aspect of any company’s marketing strategy. The study found that 56% of respondents said they had increased their sales revenue as a result of social media engagement, while only 8% said they had seen a decrease in revenue.

Before you can use your social media marketing campaign to promote your business, you need to know who your target audience is, what platforms they are using and what kind of content they find useful and engaging.

You should also consider the following business goals and marketing plans: Want to reach more audiences, generate traffic to your website, or increase product sales?

Social media helps businesses learn more about their target audience. It’s also a great way to connect with your business audience. According to a survey, 58% of consumers visit a brand’s social pages before visiting its website.

As a business owner looking to promote your business using social media, creating audience-related content is critical to the success of your social media accounts such as:

  • Facebook,
  • Twitter,
  • And Instagram.

When creating content, think about what your audience wants to see and what valuable content you can offer in return for their attention.

Social media plays an important role in business marketing when used effectively. With more than 45 million registered active users in the UK and 1.3 million new users in 2020 alone, you don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach and engage with such a large audience.

The following is a clip from

“More than half of the world now uses social media (59%) 4.70 billion people around the world now use social media, and 227 million new users have come online within the last 12 months. The average daily time spent using social media is 2h 29m.”

You can consider reading the full article: Global social media statistics research summary 2022

Social media is not just about putting the right content out there.  As a business owner, you need to build a two-way conversation with your audience. Doing so makes you more memorable, and has a human connection that makes you more likely to keep your followers.

It’s important to regularly review your channels to understand what is working and what is not. Each social platform offers basic analytics. It’s good practice to dig deep into your analytics on a weekly and monthly basis to analyze, review and adjust your strategy.

With the invention of such tools, as Facebook leads forms, social media platforms have improved the way advertisers enter the market. Social media is great for both brand awareness and business promotion. To succeed more, you must put up content that people want to view and that is relevant to your business.

To create brand awareness for your business through an influencer marketing promotion

An influencer is someone who can influence potential buyers of a product or service by making recommendations on social media. An influencer could be anybody that has a huge influence and popularity or massive followers on social media.

Influencer marketing is a form of social media marketing that involves the endorsement of products and placements from influencers, people, and organizations who has an exact level of knowledge or social influence in the field. It also involves brands collaborating with online influencers to market products or services.

If you ask me, one important aspect of promoting your business is to use influencer marketing campaigns. This is very effective and helps to extend your brand reach and provide sales incentives. When embarking on an influencer marketing campaign, adjust your goals to avoid unsatisfactory results such as low ROI (Return on Investment) and low engagement rate.

Your influencer marketing campaign can be brand awareness or social media engagement. However, it is appropriate to connect with the right influencer to generate massive sales for your business. Most influencer talks about brands they genuinely love. They can make their campaigns by posting your product with nice captions, or by contests and giveaways.

Once your brand is introduced to a large audience, people will recognize your brand and automatically become customers. In addition, you will have more followers and more engagements on your page.

When venturing into the influencer marketing campaign, be sure to consider the following:

  • Choose the right influencer for your niche,
  • Build great relationships with your influencers and tell them all they need to know about your brand and products,
  • Never ignore the importance of analytic tools in measuring your business performance,
  • Do not include an inappropriate call to action and fake hashtags,
  • Don`t expect an instant result,
  • Don`t use low-quality images in your campaign materials.

Influencer marketing is here to stay and keeps growing over the years and is increasing over a couple of years. Whatever your goals or objectives are, influencer personas know how to turn their fan base into loyal customers. Therefore, influencer marketing is a great way to promote your business.

Offer free or discounted products or services

Everyone likes to hear the word ‘free’ and people like what is free, whether it matters to them or not. To promote your product, you need to offer something for free or at a discount to your customers, so they can at least try it and give a good review of your product.

Many iterations of this can be used to increase leads, sales, referrals, and more.

E-commerce stores in particular have been surprisingly successful with introductory discounts. Other options are free software apps or free trials. For example, BuildFire allows potential customers to create free apps that allow them to experience the actual product before paying for it.

To build brand awareness for your business, create an email marketing strategy

Email marketing is the cornerstone of online marketing. This is one of the best ways to promote your business. From a technical point of view, email proves its position as a communication channel. From a marketing perspective, email converts at a higher rate than nearly any other channel.

Email marketing allows you to build relationships with potential buyers over time. It allows you to place visitors who aren’t ready to buy into a funnel that keeps them connected with your business instead of having them forget about you.

To take advantage of email marketing, you need to create something of value that you can offer for free in exchange for your visitor’s email address. Digital information products are often the best fit for this purpose.

Next, you will want to create a series of emails designed to introduce the new lead to your offer, establish your authority in the industry, and create a series of emails that provides educational value on related topics of interest. Email marketing is a great way to promote your business and help to create brand awareness.

Your key takeaways how to create brand awareness for your business in simple steps

Brand awareness is a lot more than just making your product or service known. Brand awareness is about getting your customer to connect with your company’s values, beliefs, and culture. It’s about making an emotional connection with the customer.

To create brand awareness for your business, you need to find ways to make the customer feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves.

A strong visual identity will help you create brand awareness and will also help you stand out from other businesses in the same industry. Creating a logo is another great way to start building a strong visual identity for your business that customers can recognize at first glance.

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