INSECURITY: No Nigerian Will Laugh Last by Austin Isikhuemen

Nigerians have expressed grave concerns over the safety of their country, with insecurity ranking as their top priority for government action. Recent news headlines only touch the surface of the dire situation. A deadly attack on an Abuja-Kaduna train led to the kidnapping of 61 people for ransom, while President Muhammadu Buhari’s convoy was targeted in his home state.
Download the first chapter of The Storytelling Series: Beginners’ Guide for Small Businesses & Content Creators by Obehi Ewanfoh.
Reports of killings and kidnappings of religious worshipers and clergy continue to surface. Armed bandits have taken the lives of over 2,600 civilians in 2021 alone, according to the Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect. Unfortunately, violence of all kinds has only increased in 2022, with ongoing conflicts and attacks reported by ACLED and Yusuf.
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The situation in Nigeria is dire and requires immediate attention from the government to ensure the safety and well-being of its citizens.
Now, enjoy Austin Isikhuemen’s reflection as followed:
Target them, those loud mouths
They all want PMB to fail
Those Jonathanians deserve the treatment
Let them pay the price of opposition
Let them know that we are in charge
Not so fast, bros don’t be coy
They hit our folks on the KD road
They make us look like we love the trains
Above SUVs and Honda Accord we crave
These hoodlums don’t discriminate
What, they did Uromi too?
Abducting teacher and his students
To kill learning and grow ignorance
Provide enough reasons to those folks
Who always thought school’s not worth it
Kankara and Kagara, similar in name
Separated by State boundaries
United in grief of children kidnapped
Taken from the ramshackle shackles
Of a dilapidated edifice of shameful hue
On perforated tomato sheds of Ibarapa
The Oyo egungun unleased mayhem
Misdirected assuaging of failed governance
Lives, limbs, businesses and livelihoods
Friendships died, peace in cowardly retreat
Did anyone hear the hue and cry
When Odiguetue had its fateful share?
Farms desecrated and crops fed to beasts
Or when Benin-Sagamu became a famished road
Where the forest became a maw of herdnappers
KD, the jewel in the crown of Arewa
The beautiful city where Lugard reigned
With his mistress of many fames
Couldn’t they just spare this state
The evil agony they spread elsewhere?
Aren’t they aware IBB and bearded sage
Reside here in this hillside redoubt?
Why do they treat Niger State so?
Want to change their nom de guerre
From Power State to Powerlessness?
When Benue had its unfair share
Of this fire that burns everywhere
Where were those that said to them
Stew in it and bear the pain
‘Cos they thought it’ll just stop there
Can’t you see this thing is real?
Spares nothing you thought sacred
This sore has grown and the gangrene smells
Across the land we thought we owned
Even the piece Kongi resides
Stop the laugher that you hold aloft
Your haven has not yet been breached
For very soon if naught is done
Sure enough they’ll arrive your site
With cruel tools to make you cry
Is it the fortress and barricades?
Or the double fence that gives façade
Of impenetrable stockade that titillates
These renegades may not respect
A stubble hut nor Aso Rock
Have you ever heard them ask?
Whether you are APC or PDP?
When they match you into the bush
Asking for millions you have not kept
To feed their greed that’s grown by leaps
Let’s pull together in same resolve
For this fire that’s raging now
Has no boundary that it will respect
The gainers would find out soon enough
The statistics will soon include them too
Uromi, 15th March 2021– Austin Isikhuemen
Download the first chapter of The Storytelling Series: Beginners’ Guide for Small Businesses & Content Creators by Obehi Ewanfoh.