Search Results for: African diaspora community

Gloria Ogunbadejo On Mental Health Among The African Diaspora Community

Gloria Ogunbadejo On Mental Health Among The African Diaspora Community

Today, we are going to be talking about mental health among the African diaspora community. This is a conversation you really must pay attention to. The African diaspora community has a rich and diverse cultural heritage, but what about their mental health? Despite the cultural richness, this community often faces unique challenges that can have…

African Belief Systems And Its Influence On The Diaspora Community

African Belief Systems And Its Influence On The Diaspora Community

Recently, I had the privilege of interviewing Dr Tawanda Chabikwa, a Zimbabwean artist researcher, and assistant professor at The University of Texas, El Paso. I must say that I had a lot to learn about African spirituality, his explanation of personhood, and more during the conversation. I believe you will equally gain great when you…

Creating A Community: How African Diaspora Small Businesses Can Use Content To Build A Loyal Fan Base

Creating A Community: How African Diaspora Small Businesses Can Use Content To Build A Loyal Fan Base

Building a loyal fan base is essential for the success of any small business, and African diaspora small business owners are no exception. One effective way to do this is by using content to create a sense of community among customers and followers.  Want to learn about Content Creation Strategy? Then, join AClasses Content Academy. What is…

Developing Community Initiatives and Promoting Activism among African Diaspora with Grace Elebute

Developing Community Initiatives and Promoting Activism among African Diaspora with Grace Elebute

What are community initiatives and how can you develop one? How can you actively engage your community? What are the real benefits of developing community initiatives, and what can be done to make things better for everyone in your community? These and more are what we are going to be considering today in African Docs…

The Power of Your Book 2024: Celebrating African Storytelling and Literary Heritage
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The Power of Your Book 2024: Celebrating African Storytelling and Literary Heritage

I don’t need to tell you that our stories shape cultures and influence generations and that the art of book writing is a powerful tool for preserving heritage and fostering understanding among people. On June 25th at 2 pm Central European Time, AClasses Media will host “The Power of Your Book 2024,” a groundbreaking webinar…