Search Results for: e-commerce

Address in Vietnam on Entrepreneurship and Business Development

Address in Vietnam on Entrepreneurship and Business Development

In his address on entrepreneurship and business development in Vietnam in 2016, President Obama underscores the importance of fostering innovation, economic opportunity, and collaboration between Vietnam and the United States. He discusses the potential for entrepreneurship to drive growth, create jobs, and empower individuals, while highlighting initiatives aimed at supporting startups and expanding economic ties…

U.S.-ASEAN Press Conference

U.S.-ASEAN Press Conference

This speech by President Obama addresses various topics, including the U.S.-ASEAN partnership, economic cooperation, security concerns in the Asia-Pacific region, human rights issues, and transnational challenges. Obama emphasizes the importance of the U.S. commitment to ASEAN and outlines initiatives to strengthen economic ties, address security issues, and tackle global challenges together. He also discusses the…

ASEAN Business and Investment Summit Address

ASEAN Business and Investment Summit Address

The speech delivered at the ASEAN Business and Investment Summit Address on November 21, 2015, by President Obama, expressed condolences for the terrorist attack in Mali and emphasized the importance of unity in combating terrorism. Obama highlighted the significance of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) in strengthening economic ties, promoting human rights, and advancing security in…

Measuring The ROI Of Your Business Storytelling – The Business Storytelling Series

Measuring The ROI Of Your Business Storytelling – The Business Storytelling Series

One of the basic differences between business storytelling and other forms of storytelling is the key objective that needs to be put in place. This includes knowing when and how to evaluate the return on investment (ROI) of your business storytelling. Want to learn more about storytelling? Start by downloading the first chapter of The Storytelling…

Securing U.S. Cyber Infrastructure

Securing U.S. Cyber Infrastructure

In this historic 2009 speech, President Obama addresses the challenges and promises of the interconnected world, emphasizing the importance of securing America’s digital infrastructure. He highlights the paradox of technology empowering both progress and peril, outlining a comprehensive approach to cybersecurity, including the creation of a new White House office and public-private partnerships. The President…

What Is The Creative Economy – Transforming Your Passion Into Business

What Is The Creative Economy – Transforming Your Passion Into Business

Welcome to a follow-up article from a series we have created from our previous webinar: “Passion To Business – How to Start A Business Based On What You Already Know”. This article in the series will be talking about “What is The Creative Economy”. To learn more about the topics of Passion To Business, you…