Search Results for: positive thinking

Mandela on behalf of ANC delegation to conference of Pan-African Freedom Movement of East and Central Africa, January 1962

Mandela on behalf of ANC delegation to conference of Pan-African Freedom Movement of East and Central Africa, January 1962

The delegation of the African National Congress, and I particularly, feel specially honoured by the invitation addressed to our organisation by the PAFMECA to attend this historic conference and to participate in its deliberations and decisions. The extension of the PAFMECA area to South Africa, the heart and core of imperialist reaction, should mark the…

MALCOLM X: Stan Bernard Interviews Malcolm X (February 18, 1965)

MALCOLM X: Stan Bernard Interviews Malcolm X (February 18, 1965)

Stan Bernard: And what is the Black Muslim movement? Is it a bona fide religion or just a terror organization? Tonight on “Stan Bernard: Contact” we’re going to have a look at the Muslims and the Black nationalists in general. And my guests tonight: Malcolm X, once the number-two man in the Black Muslims, now…

MALCOLM X: Not Just an American Problem, But a World Problem (Feb. 16, 1965)

MALCOLM X: Not Just an American Problem, But a World Problem (Feb. 16, 1965)

First, brothers and sisters, I want to start by thanking you for taking the time to come out this evening and especially for the invitation for me to come up to Rochester and participate in this little informal discussion this evening on matters that are of common interest to all elements in the community, in…