Paramount Chief Francis Kelechi Nwaneri Speaks To the African Diaspora

Paramount Chief Francis Kelechi Nwaneri is a man of many abilities. Form Aeronautic engineering training in Britain, down to the Nigerian air force, again to Canada where he studied at the National Association of Underwater Instructors. Again, he returned to Nigeria where he set up logistic companies before moving to South Africa to within security apparatus. King Francis has always had a clear eye on his mission.

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In this episode of African Leadership Podcast, we are going to be considering leadership from the point of view of traditional systems and what might be done to help create a people-oriented leadership in Africa.

Swaf Federation

The South West And African Forum is an out born of the people known today as Bantu, AmaHlubi, AmaMpembe come from a long and colorful African history that trace their origin back to the Congo, in the Great Lakes region where they were also known as Shubi.

Based on the above this organization exists under the Embo (Africa) nation on the fact that the Embo people all over Africa are all under operations of Power, Struggle, Suffering, Wars and Unrecognized because of this, most foreigners in South Africa who came into South Africa under Embo (Africa) nations are not even recognized in their own land, but thanks to God Almighty who has used his Royal highly Majesty King Francis Kelechi NWANERI lll to start this journey of recognition we are Africa.

The Paramount Chief of Africa was coroneted on the 23rd of May 2015 at KROOMKRAAS in Mpumalanga by seventeen kings of Africa, to mention but a few representatives of Nigel Royal House, representatives from MSWATI in Swaziland, representative from Lesotho, from South Africa, from Nigeria, from Burkina Faso, from Democratic Republic of Congo, representative from CONTRALESA (Congress of Traditional Leaders of South Africa) and Traditional Houses etc.

The Paramount Chief of Africa was mandated to bring unity, revival, resuscitation, rehabilitation and restoration of African dignity, above all restoration of African royal dignity as an intermediary person/ mediator of African royalties. Furthermore, the Paramount Chief of Africa has the following success stories

Download the first chapter of The Storytelling SeriesBeginners’ Guide for Small Businesses & Content Creators by Obehi Ewanfoh.

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