Taking a Stand Against Violence: The Triumph of Ruth Tebitendwa Kirabo

In a world where darkness often threatens to overpower the light, there emerges a beacon of hope, a symbol of resilience and unwavering courage. Today, I invite you to step into the profound narrative of Ruth Tebitendwa Kirabo, a true “Destiny Child” who has transcended the depths of despair to become a guiding star for countless others.

See the full podcast interview here: 

Now, close your eyes for a moment and imagine a world where innocence is shattered, where the cries of the vulnerable go unheard, and where violence casts its sinister shadow over the lives of women and children.

This nightmare was a tragic reality for years in Uganda, a tale that whispered heartbreak and echoed pain. But within this tale of darkness, a single figure stood strong, an embodiment of the human spirit’s unyielding strength.

Ruth Tebitendwa Kirabo emerged from the depths of her own anguish to become a beacon of hope. She bore witness to the unspeakable, enduring violations, abuse, and the stripping away of humanity. Yet, in a breathtaking twist of fate, she found her escape, her sanctuary of healing.

But Ruth’s journey didn’t end in her escape from the abuse. No, her heart, once broken, found a purpose larger than herself. With the scars of her past as a roadmap to change, she birthed “My Child Uganda” – a sanctuary for the wounded, a haven for the broken, and a refuge for those who, like her, long to reclaim their humanity.

Imagine the strength it takes to not only mend one’s own wounds but to extend a hand to others, guiding them towards their own path to healing. Ruth, an Author, Speaker, Mentor, and Founder, embodies this strength, this boundless compassion.

Through the pages of her new book, “My Child Healed & Whole,” the chronicle of her trials and triumphs is a symphony of inspiration, a testament to the indomitable human spirit.

As fate would have it, I had the privilege of engaging in a deep conversation that moved me to my core – an interview with Ruth herself, sharing the essence of her journey on my podcast.

Her words resonated like a chorus of hope, painting a vivid picture of her transformation from victim to victor. Every word, every pause, every tear shed was a brushstroke in the masterpiece of her life.

I encourage us to join our voices in a resounding declaration: “NO to violence against women and children!” Let us become the warriors of change, the guardians of the innocent, the architects of a world where compassion reigns supreme.

I implore you, do not let this story fade into the background noise of our lives. Reach out, extend your hand, and support the work of “My Child Uganda.” By obtaining a copy of “My Child Healed & Whole,” you not only partake in the transformative journey of Ruth but also contribute to the noble cause she champions.

Ruth Tebitendwa Kirabo, is a living testament to the power of the human spirit, beckoning us to rise above the darkness, to be the glimmer of hope in a world that desperately needs it.

Let us, therefore stand united, let us amplify her call, and let us declare, with unwavering conviction, our commitment to a world free from the chains of violence.

Want to learn more? Start by downloading the first chapter of The Storytelling Series: Beginners’ Guide for Small Businesses & Content Creators by Obehi Ewanfoh. 

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