The Best Places To List Your Podcast In 2023
![The Best Places To List Your Podcast In 2022](
The podcast craze has taken over with more than millions of Americans tuning in to podcasts each month. The best podcast player apps are indispensable for anyone who listens to podcasts regularly. Currently, there are well over 2 million different podcasts out there with more than 50 million episodes already published for people to consume.
Download the first chapter of The Storytelling Series: Beginners’ Guide for Small Businesses & Content Creators by Obehi Ewanfoh.
The ability to listen to podcasts on demand is a great way for listeners to get their fix of information and entertainment.
But what about recording them? What if you want to be able to listen and watch the content at the same time? The question of when and where you might want to record your favorite podcast is answered with one word: always.
Audacity for recording podcasts is a perfect choice for broadcasters. With this free and open-source software, you can record, edit, mix and convert your audio files with ease. It’s cross-platform compatible and available in different languages.
In this article, we will share the best places to list your podcast in 2022, so you can reach even more people. So, keep reading.
Make your podcast available on Apple Podcasts
Apple Podcasts is the most popular podcast directory in the world. It has more than 500,000 podcasts listed on it and it is growing by the day with roughly 20 million episodes.
Apple Podcasts is a free application that allows users to download and stream podcasts right on their phones. It is one of the newest ways people can stay up to date with all their favorite shows. Apple Podcasts is an excellent resource for the latest news and in-depth interviews.
Podcasting is one of the fastest-growing forms of media consumption in America today and if you are a podcaster, you want to make sure you can be found in such a popular place as the Apple podcast.
Apple podcast has a huge fanbase, and it can be accessed on everything from the iPhone to the Apple Watch. As a podcast app, it lets you discover, stream, download, and rate podcasts and the interface is easy to navigate if you’re used to Apple products.
List your podcast on Spotify
Spotify is a Swedish audio streaming and media services provider, founded on 23 April 2006 by Daniel Ek and Martin Lorentzon. Founded in Stockholm, Sweden, the company provides digital music services including music streaming, as well as offline playback. Spotify’s headquarters are in Stockholm, the Capital of Sweden.
Spotify is the perfect alternative to music piracy because it provides a legal and hassle-free way for people to access music. Spotify has been in the news lately because of its rise in popularity.
It is one of the largest music streaming service providers with over 406 million monthly active users, including 180 million paying subscribers, as of December 2021.
If you follow Spotify closely, you know that the company made a big purchase back in 2020 (Joe Rogan’s exclusive podcast deal with Spotify). Joe Rogan Experience is one of the most popular podcasts in the world and it’s soon become a Spotify exclusive. You will be able to watch full episodes and listen to audio content exclusively on Spotify.
Reports have said the deal is worth more than $100 million, but sources say the true value is actually closer to $200 million, covering 3 years.
List your show on Google Podcasts
Google is the number one search engine on the internet, so it makes sense to list your podcast there. Google’s podcasting app is called Google Podcasts and it was released on June 18, 2018. It was updated in September with Chromecast support.
It’s an exciting time to be a podcaster. In the past, podcasting has been dominated by Apple, but now, you don’t have to use one of their apps at all. Google announced that they will give every podcaster who submits their podcast for review a free Panoply account, which gives them access to a host of resources including stats and monetization tools.
The Google Play Music Podcasts section is a great place to share your content with the world. It’s also a way for you to gain listeners and grow your audience.
Here are the 7 simple steps to add your podcast to google
- Step 1 – find podcast content at (make sure you sign in with your Google account),
- Step 2 – Click the “Add A Podcast” option,
- Step 3 – Paste your podcast’s RSS feed URL in the provided space,
- Step 4 – Click to “Submit RSS Feed”
- Step 5 – Verify your Ownership of the podcast (use the email that was earlier used to create the podcast)
- Step 6 – Review your podcast information that they are correct and “Publish the Podcast”
- Step 7 – Now wait for approval from google.
Submit your podcast on Stitcher
Stitcher is a podcast app that lets you listen to your favorite audio content quickly and easily on your mobile phone or tablet. It also provides high-quality audio content through its original networks such as Earwolf and Howl.
Stitcher is a popular podcast directory, and Android listeners make up a sizeable percentage of the audience. Listing your show on Stitcher can help you reach an audience that might not be using Apple products.
As a beginner podcaster, you will find Stitcher interesting because it offers a unique analytical tool that allows you to see how your podcast is performing. This data can tell you about topics people are interested in, locations people are tuning in from, and more.
Stitcher requires podcasts to follow industry standards.
- You need a podcast cover art of a square, 1:1 ratio in either JPG or PNG format.
- Your podcast should have a unique title.
- The podcast’s feed must include one episode at the very least.
Make your podcast available on PlayerFM
Player FM is an app to discover new podcasts or play episodes you may have already subscribed to. Created by a software developer in 2011, its cataloging service lists podcasts available on popular publishing sites.
To submit your podcast to PlayerFM, enter your RSS feed URL and see the results displayed below. There, you will also see how to find your RSS feed from within their dashboard guide, how to find and Sharing Your RSS Feed.
On the FAQ page of Player FM, you will read the following:
“Player FM helps you discover, download and play podcasts. We love podcasts because they are a great way for people to learn, be entertained, and stay informed while on the go. We started with the Player FM web app, which works on desktops, phones, and tablets.”
PlayerFM it’s free to install and “the features you enjoy today will always be free, plus more to come”. promised, the company. Sure, they do have a premium plan but all existing features remain free.
Submit your podcast to Amazon Music
Amazon Music is a music streaming service and online music store, which was launched in public beta on September 25, 2007. In January 2008 it became the first online music store to sell music without digital rights management (DRM) from the four major record labels.
Here is how to submit an RSS feed to Amazon Music in a few steps:
- Step 1 – Visit the Amazon Music submission page,
- Step 2 -Enter the podcast’s name and the RSS feed URL,
- Step 3 – Confirm your show’s availability at Amazon Music,
- Step 4 – Log in to where your podcast is hosted,
- Step 5 – Select the Amazon Music integration,
- Step 6 – Choose your location and wait for Amazon to do the rest.
Amazon is a huge company, so by linking your podcast, you are tapping into millions of listeners at Amazon Music.
Submit your podcast to PodBean
Podbean has a huge directory of podcasts to help people find the ones they will love. In addition to podcasts hosted on their platform, you will also find a variety of shows in all different genres.
Podbean Ads Marketplace is a self-service advertising platform that enables podcasters to run ads on their podcast episodes. Podcasters can also use dynamic ad insertion technology that integrates with the podcast player for seamless advertising.
This directory also populates Podbean’s iPhone and Android apps, which are growing in popularity among listeners looking to find new podcasts.
Podbean is a podcasting service that offers free hosting for up to 2 hours of audio per month. They also provide the option to upgrade to a premium plan, which allows for unlimited uploads and guarantees your content stays live on the site.
Podbean is perfect for those who want to share their insights and knowledge or just have a way for their voice to be heard.
These are by far not the only places to list your podcast in 2022, but they are certainly some of the leaders in the industry.
Conclusion on The Best places to list your Podcast in 2023
Podcasts are a great way to get your message out there. They are a form of entertainment that people can listen to on their own time and without the need for any other input.
One of the best ways to get your podcast listed in the future is by participating in some of these sites like we have already discussed above as:
- Apple Podcasts,
- Stitcher,
- Spotify,
- TuneIn Radio,
- Google Play Music and the list goes on.
Starting a podcast is a great way to share your story with the world. It’s also a great way to create income for yourself, start or grow your business, and engage with your audience. Plus, there are dozens of places to host your podcast shows and even free sometimes.
Download the first chapter of The Storytelling Series: Beginners’ Guide for Small Businesses & Content Creators by Obehi Ewanfoh.