The Diaspora Connection and Youth Business Strategy with Dr Ameena Ali

Members of the diaspora community represent a unique business opportunity because of their very characteristics – having a direct and strong connection between their country of origin and their country of residence. The majority of these individuals, talking specifically of the African diaspora community are young, energetic and ambitious.

Download the first chapter of The Storytelling SeriesBeginners’ Guide for Small Businesses & Content Creators by Obehi Ewanfoh.

If the above doesn’t represent a good business opportunity that needs to be strategized, then I don’t know what it is.

In this episode of our interview podcast, we are going to be considering these opportunities and the challenges along with them.

You might also like to read – Why More African Diasporas Need To Invest In Their Home Countries

  • What really is the importance of connecting and networking among the African diaspora today?
  • How can we connect our potentials and do businesses together in a way that it can profit us as a people?
  • Are there some strategies to succeed together – what are those strategies?

With me to reflect on these questions is Dr Ameena Ali, a Naturopathic Doctor with a special interest in Organic Medicine, and a Proud decorated Gulf War Veteran.

Listen to Dr Ameena in this video and leave your thoughts in the comment section below

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More About Dr Ameena

Dr Ameena Ali is a Naturopathic Doctor with a special interest in Organic Medicine and she is a Proud decorated Gulf War Veteran.

In 2019 she was the US Representative for the International Model UN Association and the newest member of the International Human Rights Commission in Geneva where she serves unrecognized Sovereign Tribes, undocumented International Cultures, Stateless, Landless and countless oppressed and displaced Indigenous People around the world.

She is also the Lead Advocate and Founder at (FIGHR) the Federation of International Gender and Human Rights.

“I come into this Art form with the hopes, desires and the fortitude to prevail in this purpose; to lead those I come in contact with the wisdom of my Ancestral Matriarchs and Earth-Mothers…combined!

I bring these programs to the Village and welcome you to love this passion as much as I do, leaving it enriched, prosperous and pregnant with bounty, enabling all women to be empowered in their choices, options, roles rights and responsibilities for THEIR birth!”

Download the first chapter of The Storytelling SeriesBeginners’ Guide for Small Businesses & Content Creators by Obehi Ewanfoh.

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