The life and legacy of Chief Tom Ikimi, the Former Nigerian Minister of Foreign Affairs?

Do you want to know about Tom Ikimi, the Former Nigerian Minister of Foreign Affairs? Then keep reading. Tom Omoghegbe Ikimi, is a Nigerian politician, business owner, and diplomat. He was appointed Nigerian Minister of Foreign Affairs in 1995.

Download the first chapter of The Storytelling Series: Beginners’ Guide for Small Businesses & Content Creators by Obehi Ewanfoh.

Who is Tom Ikimi?

Tom Ikimi is a Powerful politician and diplomat who was born on April 10, 1944. He was born in the modern British Cameroon region of Kuba-South. He founded and served as the primary partner of the architectural firm (Tom Ikimi Design Company) from 1977 until the present.

The design firm of Tom Ikimi has successfully completed important projects both inside and outside of Nigeria. In addition to serving as the head of the ECOWAS council of ministers and the ECOWAS committee of ministers, he was appointed Nigeria’s minister of international affairs in 1995.

Tom Ikimi’s Education

Tom Ikimi attended St. Joseph’s College in Sasse-Buea, Southern Cameroon. From 1957 to 1961, he studied building and civil engineering at Midwestern Polytechnic in Auchi (now Auchi Polytechnic, Edo State), where he earned his Ordinary National Diploma.

In addition, he received professional training in architecture from 1968 to 1973 at the Ahmadu Bello University architectural school in Zaria, where he also earned a B. Arch (Hons) degree.

He was an early participant in both the National Union of Nigerian Students club and the student union club (NUNS). He served in the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) in Ibadan, Nigeria between 1973 and 1974, and he still maintains business interests in farming, building, and trading.

Tom Ikimi’s Family

John Onile Ikimi and Victoria Isiemoa Ikimi, the parents of Tom Ikimi, are both from the city of Igueben in the Nigerian state of Edo. Tom Ikimi is also a married man with a daughter and three sons.

Tom Ikimi is currently 78 years of age. He was born on April 10th, 1944 (Monday).

Tom Ikimi’s Political Career

In July 1990, Tom Ikimi won the position of first National Chairman of the National Republican Convention Party (NRC). He held office for over two years and took part in the 1988–1989 Constituent Assembly.

During his tenure as National Chairman, he created the national party with great success and won democratic elections that were free and fair, enabling the installation of NRC governments in more than 200 of the country’s 589 local government areas. In 16 of the 30 states that made up the federation in 1991, the Party also built 16 state governments that were led by NRC Governors.

Tom Ikimi oversaw his party’s vigorous campaigning for the presidency in 1992, but his work was unexpectedly derailed by the parties’ breakup in October, 1993 by the Military government.

Tom Ikimi was a member of the national committee that created the peace plan that resulted in the interim national government led by Chief Ernest Shonekan in August 1993, following the complications from the annulment of the June 12 presidential election in 1993.

Tom was appointed special adviser to the head of state and commander-in-chief in February 1994. (Gen. Sani Abacha). He was appointed minister of foreign affairs in March 1995, and he held the position until the Federal Executive Council was dismissed on July 8, 1998.

Tom Ikimi became a foundation member of the All-Peoples Party (APP) in 1999 and was elected to the organization’s Board of Trustees. Internal party factions convinced Tom Ikimi to join the People Democratic Party (PDP) in Edo state in 2003, where he held the key position of Chief Electoral Officer. He did a great job as party chairman, and PDP won the election.

General Olusegun Obasanjo and his cronies unregistered Tom Ikimi from the PDP, therefore he chose to work with a few of his close friends to create the Movement for the Restoration and Defense of Democracy (MRDD).

Along with Chief Ayo Opadokun, Tom Ikimi helped to promote the registration of the Action Congress (AC), originally known as the Advanced Congress of Democrats, in 2006. (ACD). Tom Ikimi led the party to victory in 2007 general election in Edo state.

Tom Ikimi’s Notable Political Achievements

Our accomplishments are essentially the things we have done effectively using our effort, skill, courage. Let’s look at some of Tom Ikimi’s past accomplishments.

  • In February 1994, he served as a special adviser to General Sani Abacha’s who was the current head of state and commander-in-chief. From 1990 to 1992, he served as Chairman of the National Republican Convention party.
  • In March 1995, he was chosen to be the foreign affairs minister.
  • After establishing his own firm (Tom Ikimi Design Company) in May 1997, he established his own Tom Ikimi Design Company; he has worked on various beneficial projects both within and outside Nigeria.
  • He won the International OAU competition and conference Centre project at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
  • He has established successful business interests and is a member of the Nigeria Institute of Architects (FNIA).
  • He led the delegation from Nigeria to the special UN Security Council meeting for Foreign Ministers in New York City in September 1995, when he also made a statement on behalf of Nigeria.
  • In April 1995, he attended the 40th Anniversary gathering of the Non-aligned country’s movement in Bandung, Indonesia, on behalf of the Head of State and Commander-in-Chief.
  • At the UN’s 50th-anniversary celebration in October 1995, he welcomed Pope John Paul II on behalf of the Security Council President.
  • From July 26th, 1996, he presided over the ECOWAS Council of Ministers of Nine on Liberia C-9 and directed the ECOWAS Ministerial Committee to end the Liberian problem.
  • At the summit meeting of the main OAU institution for the prevention, management, and settlement of crises in Tunis in April 1998, he represented the central head of state of Nigeria.
  • He was a founding member of the Advanced Congress of Democrats (ACD) in 2005–2006 and the All-Peoples Party (APP) in 1999–2001.
  • He was honored by Pope John Paul II at the great Knight of St. Gregory celebration in 1993. He was also honored by River State University of Science and Technology in 2003.

Today, we honor and pay tribute to a man who gave his all in both business and politics for his country. Tom Ikimi has in fact contributed much to his nation and promoted international peace.

Download the first chapter of The Storytelling Series: Beginners’ Guide for Small Businesses & Content Creators by Obehi Ewanfoh.

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