Intrepid Trump Triple Trumped! By Austin Isikhuemen

Intrepid Trump Triple Trumped! By Austin Isikhuemen

Donald John Trump, a prominent American politician, media personality, and entrepreneur, held the esteemed position of the 45th President of the United States, serving from 2017 to 2021. In 1968, Trump obtained his undergraduate degree from the prestigious Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

Download the first chapter of The Storytelling Series: Beginners’ Guide for Small Businesses & Content Creators by Obehi Ewanfoh.

Check out also this article – We Can Start Remaking Nigeria In 2023 by Austin Isikhuemen

America, their America. So wrote the poet J. P. Clark

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly was a movie

About America’s wild wild west of the cowboys

Clint Eastwood, Lee Van Cleef and Eli Wallach (Tuco)

Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Ramirez was the Ugly Trump surpassed

Used subterfuge, lies, stealth and fear to gain ascendancy

Knew well which party had the temperament and courageous daftness

To swallow hook, line and sinker the barefaced untruths he would spin

And depend on using him knowing full well he was using them!

Never mattered to ReTrumplicans if America turns 3rd world

Abuse the elegant lady, an exemplar of diplomacy and FLOTUS beatitudes

Call her unprintable names, from that mouth designed for obscenities

Grade school kids considered his speech uncouth, demeanor demeaning

Could it be his mental growth experienced arrested development?

Didn’t his mom so state, in a moment of inspired clairvoyance?

This maternal warning to America, given selflessly, went unheeded

They rallied while he railed, spewing division, fear and hate

Enablers, some brilliant, some stupendously wealthy, many selfish

Others shortsighted, ignorant, skin avatars, ‘impunitious’ sons of guns

They gathered, like vultures, waiting for the carcass of a dead democracy

Others, lying under their teeth, in utter repudiation of their faith’s tenets

Against the strict directive of the 4th commandment in their holy book

Calling the name of their God in vain, lied that He spoke to them

That this demagogue, indistinguishable from the Pharisees of old

Was the Almighty’s choice in an election where He is not registered

Crude calls, to make great again that which never stopped being great

MAGA mouthed by mugus doesn’t a saint make out of a scoundrel

Bad habits die hard, a cheater must cheat and a liar by nature lies

How can a racist stop race baiting when his horde professes racism

Sad to see those demonized call him hero, yet not a new phenomenon

Must take evil genius to make Cruz cruise voluntarily with you

On the same boat that bears the name ‘INFAMY’ in bold print

Same man you cursed and falsely accused his dad of regicide

Called Heidi unflattering names that caused a stir in cyberspace

Some genius indeed! Now Ted is a living dead in US politicospere

Attacking the Capitol?

That’s defecating in the market square by midday

Political sacrilege, dumb maneuver, historical hara-kiri if there was one

Is there no limit to unthinking greed, and unbridled impunity?

Breaking windows to access democracy’s hallowed chambers?

You insult those whose mandate, freely given, you sought to steal

Nemesis. Karma. Retribution. They are patient my friend

They neither respect, recognize nor defer to, millionairehood or penury

They wait, patiently, obstinately, fully armed, and take no prisoners

Get set my friend, for inevitable accounting to these even-handed judges

They take their pound of flesh, surely, painfully, with precise exactitude

Instead of building the fence, you will be busy paying for defense

On cases sprouting from the Congress to the US courts of law

Verdicts of the courts of public opinion and social media already abound

Jnr should let you know as he is yet unbanned by Twitter and Facebook

Tragically Jnr mistook the Capitol for Africa where he shoots wildlife for pleasure

A penny for your thoughts about Pence, an enabler turned democrat

Do you feel betrayed by your staunch advocate who jumped the boat

Just when the gorge got too deep and the waves menacingly high?

You feel a pernicious hatred for Pence, co-speaker of untruths

He who told you to use God but left you to face Satan alone?

Corralled all your descendants to the imbrioglio in the Whitehouse

Taught them damnable gutter-lese and criminal incitement methodology

You have done well, in the art of family apprenticeship

A family that faces the same fate – in white house or orange jumpsuits

That will be another first, in the competition that you think you are in

Please pay Rudy his fees. He is rude but did your Biden, sorry bidding

Takes a lot of courage to deliberately talk balderdash on a global podium

The running hair dye across his scowl of a face was the first sign

That you will run away from him after he fooled himself for you

His ghoulish image will haunt you Mr. President, unless you pay

When you begin selling those towers and golf courses Sir

Do remember to sell to some of my countrymen who supported you

A few MOGs come to mind, they will fly down to Mar-a-Lago

In private jets bought with money’s just like yours – phony and tainted

They will like to have that high-rise in NYC renamed MUGU TOWERS

Didn’t the sage say “once beaten, twice shy”?

You got beaten by voters, by the courts and the Congress

Is it true you still talk with ill-fitting braggadocio?

Swaggering around Mar-a-Lago, considering painting it white?

The sage did also say Sir, “the hood doesn’t make the monk”

Make yourself happy to enjoy your retirement, please contact a sangoma

They need to exorcise the thoughts of Obama whose star blinds you so

From your vindictive spirit and the ghost of inadequacy

That done, appeal to the four ex-Presidents not to treat you with scorn

So you can re-join them after the prison terms and imminent bankruptcy

When those fail, phone a friend with loads of experience in Uganda

He is sure to tell the secrets for longevity in democratic tyranny

And the ways and means of boldfaced opposition emasculation

You too can re-enroll in lifetime Presidency in 2024 in spite of Nancy

Dying in office would ensure sympathy for your kids by a mourning USA

Kano, 26st January 2021 – Austin Isikhuemen

Download the first chapter of The Storytelling Series: Beginners’ Guide for Small Businesses & Content Creators by Obehi Ewanfoh.

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