23 African Best Entrepreneur Quotes

What, really, are the importance of reading a quote? Well, a good quote can be the heart of starting a new day or an article. Good quotes inspire us and there is no doubt denying that. In today’s quotes, we are sharing some of the best quotes by African entrepreneurs. Enjoy them and leave your thoughts in the comment section.

Download the first chapter of The Storytelling Series: Beginners’ Guide for Small Businesses & Content Creators by Obehi Ewanfoh.

7 Best Entrepreneurs tips for success

Here are seven tips for entrepreneurs to achieve success:

  1. Start with a clear vision: Successful entrepreneurs have a clear vision of what they want to achieve. They have a clear understanding of their goals, and they are committed to achieving them.
  2. Take calculated risks: Entrepreneurs need to be willing to take risks, but they should also take calculated risks. They should do their research, analyze the market, and understand the potential risks and rewards before making a decision.
  3. Focus on providing value: Successful entrepreneurs focus on providing value to their customers. They create products or services that solve a problem or meet a need, and they strive to exceed their customers’ expectations.
  4. Continuously learn and adapt: Entrepreneurs need to be adaptable and continuously learn to stay ahead of the competition. They should be open to new ideas and technologies, and be willing to pivot their business strategy if necessary.
  5. Build a strong team: Entrepreneurs should surround themselves with a strong team of professionals who share their vision and values. They should hire people who complement their skills and fill any gaps in their knowledge.
  6. Manage finances effectively: Entrepreneurs should have a good understanding of their finances and manage them effectively. They should have a budget, track their expenses, and keep an eye on their cash flow to ensure they have enough resources to grow their business.
  7. Stay focused and persevere: Finally, entrepreneurs should stay focused on their goals and persevere through the challenges and setbacks they may face. They should stay motivated and passionate about their vision, and be willing to put in the hard work and dedication required to achieve success.

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  1. “If you don’t have your own skin in the game, you will never have accountability… Once you have your own money on the table, you are just more careful.” – Alpesh Patel.
  2. “If you are going to start your own business, put your own money down.” – Alpesh Patel.
  3. “The journey is forever. Do not ever let yourself feel like you have arrived, because if you do someone else will come and run right past you.” – Kevin Ashley.
  4. “You always have to keep going because you haven’t reached the mountain top yet.” – Kevin Ashley.
  5. “Businesses that are spoilt with too much capital make the wrong decisions…”– Michael Jordaan.
  6. “Constraints are the most wonderful things in business, because constraints allow you to be innovative and come up with different solutions.” – Michael Jordaan.
  7. “I have come to learn to be patient and not to give up too quickly. It takes patience and persistence to bring a new and innovative product and ways of doing things to a community. There are early adopters who immediately embrace the product and there are traditionalists who resist the change that the initiative represents.” – Bernice Dapaah.
  8. “Prepare for eventualities since things can change in a second. You need to have back-up plans just in case.” – Muthoni Ndonga.
  9. “Dreaming is good. But now your dream must be profitable. For example, you cannot find investors who will put funds in your project without them seeing the potential for profitability.” – Olivier Madiba.
  10. “In terms of expansion, I strongly believe in organic growth as there is nothing more motivating or satisfying… The biggest lesson I’ve learned is to dream big, but start small.” – Zainab Ashadu.
  11. “I don’t think there is anything more difficult to handle than success. I think success is harder to handle than failure. In failure you wallow, you just cry and life goes on. Success has to be sustained and it is harder to sustain than to get it. So when you get your money, what is your game plan?” – Joanne Mwangi.
  12. “In my experience, in Africa there is space for innovation. And you don’t have to look far, especially when you are at a disadvantage. Look around you. You might be experiencing a problem that is a need in the community.” – Sizwe Nzima.
  13. “Don’t scratch your head saying there is no financing. With what you have, what can you do to achieve your goal? Investors like people who have taken that initiative.” – Heshan de Silva.
  14. “My advice to young people is to firstly get their education. And once you get your formal education, get formal employment for a couple of years. To go straight into the entrepreneurial environment I cannot say is not possible, but it will be much harder.” –Herman Mashaba
  15. “Teams are crucial because they combine the differing talents of different individuals, and they make the whole better than the part.” – Hakeem Belo-Osagie.
  16. “Getting things done is better than having things perfect. Done is better than perfect. Whatever you have in your hands, get going with it. Just do it.” – Charles Igwe.
  17. “Focus on making [your product or service] awesome. I see a lot of guys go into business with a ‘how can I make money’ approach. But if you go in there saying ‘how can I make something awesome’, the money will follow.” – Alex Fourie.
  18. “Do what you are good at, but do it well. If you like tuning pianos, set up a piano-tuning business. If you like baking bread, then do that – but whatever it is, do it well.” – Francis Grogan.
  19. “Work hard and be patient. The main problem I see with young African guys is they want to grow overnight. Yes, they have to be ambitious, they have to think big, but they have to be patient. Rome was not built overnight.” – Francis Kibhisa.
  20. “It’s not an easy road. You will get people who will disappoint you… but you need to stay focused on your dream. We all learn and become better through our mistakes and challenges.” – Lilly Alfonso.
  21. “Success depends on employees. For me knowing and connecting with my employees is very important.” – Divine Ndhlukula.
  22. “Aspiring entrepreneurs have to actually do something that they feel strongly passionate about, and in most cases they should seek inspiration from their own experience… If you had a terrible experience, you should despise the experience to the extent that you are continuously seeking a solution for it.” – Best Ayiorwoth.
  23. “The future of Africa depends on its young people. It is critically important for young people to study hard and get a good education in order for them to undertake whatever they want to do and to succeed on their own initiative. Courage and persistence are key characteristics needed for entrepreneurs in Africa today.” –Gervais Djondo.

Download the first chapter of The Storytelling Series: Beginners’ Guide for Small Businesses & Content Creators by Obehi Ewanfoh.

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