69 Bedtime Affirmation For Happiness And Serenity

69 Bedtime Affirmation For Happiness And Serenity

In a recent study, it was found that humans spend more than 75% of their sleep in a state when the brain is almost as active as the person is awake. The researchers believe this may be an evolutionary adaptation to help us survive while our brain is engaged.

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Sleep is just a state of mind. Your eyes may be closed, but your senses, like the universal mind, are still working and processing ideas, thoughts, and emotions. It’s why we tend to get good dreams when we go to bed in a good state and bad dreams when we are stressed out and frustrated.

See also Embracing Indigenous Knowledge Systems Through Affirmation and Connection to Oneness

Conditioning your mind before bed is good for maintaining a positive mind even while sleeping, allowing you to have the needed rest to succeed when you wake up. As you go to bed, these bedtime affirmations will enable you to condition your mind for happiness and serenity.

Now, your Bedtime Affirmation For Happiness And Serenity.

  1. Happiness is my nature
  2. I am peaceful
  3. I choose peace.
  4. May my sleep be peaceful.
  5. My mind is relaxed
  6. My mind is relaxed
  7. My mind is relaxed
  8. My heart is filled with happiness
  9. I am filled with the love of the universe
  10. I am part of the universe
  11. Serenity fills my body, mind, and spirit
  12. I am at peace with my soul
  13. I am at peace with myself
  14. I am always in harmony with the universe
  15. I am at peace with all of those around me
  16. I radiate joy
  17. My soul sings the songs of the angels
  18. My spirit is alive
  19. I am receiving miracles
  20. My night is blessed
  21. My dreams are sweet
  22. I embrace my dreams.
  23. I invite the qualities of good sleep.
  24. I trust myself to remain happy.
  25. I attract circumstances that fill me with serenity.
  26. I am extremely happy with myself, and with others.
  27. It is okay to be glad.
  28. I am in harmony with the universe.
  29. I am grateful.
  30. I now enter a place of deep and restful sleep.
  31. My mind and spirit are at peace; tranquility and serenity flow through me.
  32. I release today, and I forgive it all.
  33. I am grateful for a day well-lived.
  34. I love and accept myself.
  35. I breathe deeply and slowly, and may my sleep be peaceful tonight.
  36. Love and support surround me.
  37. I am enough, and I have done enough for today; now it is time for me to rest.
  38. I end my day with happiness, peace, and deep sleep.
  39. The love I give returns to me tenfold
  40. I channel my emotions appropriately
  41. I am in touch with my emotions and feelings
  42. I am in control of my feelings
  43. I am at peace inside
  44. I feel peace inside of me
  45. Calmness washes over my soul
  46. I release all barriers
  47. Sleep will come because there is an easiness in the air.
  48. I am safe, and I can relax.
  49. I am more than my pain.
  50. I release all my negative emotions.
  51. I permit myself to do nothing but sleep.
  52. I am happy
  53. I am relaxed,
  54. My mind is relaxed.
  55. I enjoy every bit of my sleep
  56. My joy comes from restfulness
  57. I am happy
  58. I am happy
  59. I am happy
  60. My joy Overflows
  61. My sleep is peaceful
  62. My sleep is peaceful
  63. My sleep is peaceful
  64. My dreams are sweet
  65. My dreams are sweet
  66. My dreams are sweet
  67. My sleep is sweet

Learn How to Leverage Your Story through our Story To Asset Transformation (S.A.T) Framework.

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