Which Great Ancient African History Mostly Inspires You As An African?

What The People Say is a series of articles where we pose a question to the public with the intention of understanding what the people think of certain topics relating to us. We believe we can all learn from each other and we can only do this by sharing.

Learn how to master your storytelling skills so you can build your influence. Download the first chapter of The Storytelling Series: Beginners’ Guide for Small Businesses & Content Creators by Obehi Ewanfoh.

How “What The People Say series” works

In “What The People Say”, we collect the different responses as part of the article so we can all learn from them. In today’s article, the question is clear: Which great ancient African history mostly inspires you as an African?

Background leading to the question: Which great ancient African history mostly inspires you as an African?

Africa has always been the home of great civilizations. The Mesopotamian empires fell, the Roman Empire expanded to the limit of its power and then collapsed, and the Islamic Caliphate was established and declined, but for all that Africa remains the land where it all begins.

It’s the cradle of humanity and before any part of the world could have anything to be regarded as history, Africa has laid down the blueprint upon which the modern metropolitan world will build its foundation. From science to astronomy, mathematics, engineering, and biology to the laws of physics, we are only building upon the knowledge that was already there for thousands.  

Africa is the ancestral land of humanity  

For several thousands of years, Africa was the only land inhabited by human beings. It’s only later that some of our ancestors will travel out of Africa to the Asian continent, the American and later the last piece of land to be inhabited, Europe.

All these only point to one undeniable fact, both forensic and archaeological that “Africa is the ancestral land of humanity”.

Of course, languages can change, and even topographies can transfigure but the real people, though might be subject to natural mutation and transformation (to resist the harsh climate), will always remain the same.

Egypt is not where Africans started building sophisticated societies but that was where it got to its Zenit with new technologies and know-how. But how much do we really know of our past great African history?

Even in many later times, after the demise of the last Egyptian dynasties, ancient sudden, Great Zimbabwe, and ancient Benin, much still need to be told.

That is why we are asking the question in our “What The People Say” series: how much do we know of our past great African history?

Response to the question: Which great ancient African history mostly inspires you as an African?

Conclusion on Which Great Ancient African History Mostly Inspires You As An African?

The continent of Africa has had great civilizations that need studying with attention. We are not only talking of Egypt, Nubia, Carthage, Axum, or Numidia, but also such great historic lands like the Empire of Ashanti, the Kingdom of Dagbon, the Kingdom of Kongo, the Empire of Mali, the great kingdom of Benin, Kingdom of Zimbabwe, Songhai Empire, the Garamantes the Empire of Ghana, Bono state, Harla Kingdom. This list goes on and on.

Africa is an essential part of the world’s past history that deserves to be fully appreciated. In the center of it all, (Africa) is where humanity developed from into what it is today.

The knowledge that we have accumulated, from science to astronomy, mathematics, and engineering, to biology and physics is only growing thanks to those who have been here before us. So, we need to learn.

Learn how to master your storytelling skills so you can build your influence. Download the first chapter of The Storytelling Series: Beginners’ Guide for Small Businesses & Content Creators by Obehi Ewanfoh.

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