Embracing Your Solitary Moments – The Power Of Solitude

Studies have shown that people who learn to find comfort in solitude tend to be happier, experience lower levels of stress, and are less likely to have depression. This can be beneficial for introverts, who are more likely to find peace and serenity in their own company. The key is learning how to manage your feelings of solitude or boredom when you’re not around other people.

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Welcome to the continuation of our monthly discussion on the power of solitude. If this is your first article in the series, please make sure you see the previous ones, so you can get the full detail of our discussion, this month.

What you will learn about solitude

Here are the subtopics we are covering in the article series on “Solitude

Embrace Your Solitary Moments

Personally, I never really spent so much time alone since I was a child in Nigeria and this is because as a young person, there were always people around me. It was when I came to Italy, with none of my family members living with me that I first started to understand the whole concept of solitude.

It’s not only about the responsibility of providing for yourself and planning ahead for your future. The entire idea of what kind of future you are planning for comes to play and everything suddenly becomes questionable.

Why do you have to do this, why not that? In most cases, you have to decide all these alone, because as an immigrant, your family members, living several hundred and thousands of kilometers away will never understand the intricacies of this little, but highly important decision of your daily existence.

It took time for me to get used to this kind of, let say “growing up”. And once I was able to enjoy the freedom of making my own choices, no matter how unwise they might have appeared to some other persons, I fully embraced it and continue to build on it as my own way of life.

I was forced to redefine my own mindset and hold myself accountable for the consequence. What is a mindset?

Mindset is an established set of attitudes, especially regarded as set of social or cultural values. It’s about the outlook, philosophy, or values of a person’s frame of mind. You are going to learn to define this and continuously refine it along the way.

You see, life will never roll out a master plan for you. You can choose to follow the crowd, which is a much easier way to live for most people, or you can spend a good amount of your time alone, figuring out where you want to go and how to get there. Yes, you need to spend some time alone and be used to your own company. Develop that mindset because it will serve you.

As once said by Tiziano Terzani, an Italian journalist and writer: “The only real teacher is not in a forest, or a hut or an ice cave in the Himalayas, it is within us.”

I hope you take the words of Tiziano to heart because for me they are of great value.

Now, the following are some of the ways to embrace solitude and take advantage of it for your peace of mind. 

Learn to love yourself – this is essential

Yes, this is the very first of the ways to embrace solitude and take advantage of it. If you are going to stay in your own company, it’s very important that you first love yourself. The truth is that it’s not always easy for most people to accept and love themselves. That is how many people live their lives. Rather sad but it is true.

One thing you will gain in being alone is that you will begin to really get used to yourself, know your personal character, your strengths and your weaknesses, in the same way, you know of other people.

People that don’t love themselves tend not to believe they are worth much in life. Instead, they believe what other people have told them in the past. They may have been told they are mediocre, and will never accomplish anything in life.

Do not believe those lies. Love yourself instead and learn to be alone sometimes. To be okay with being alone, learn to love yourself, and be comfortable with your own company. 

Define “your own time” and respect it

At the end of the day, it’s really up to you to define your own time alone and what you do at that time. It’s about honoring yourself, your well-being, and your happiness. So, it’s up to you to define what all these means. Build up your mindset of maturity that you are in charge of your happiness and well-being.

Is it taking a long bath with some essential oils, having a walk in nature, lying in bed with some relaxing music, meditating, or reading a book with a nice cup of tea? Do whatever you want to set yourself up in this prime time.

You are the celebrity of the moment and only you can define what this “Time” really means to you.

Schedule your time for your things

Repetition, as they say, is the mother of all learning. For you to cultivate this new habit, you need to schedule the time in a day to repeat your lone moments. Whether it is meditating, painting, writing, or anything that you don’t usually have time to do in your busy hours of the day.

Remember that the decision to deliberately stay alone is not only to rest but also to recharge your energy and know yourself more. So, you need to prioritize the things that help you recharge your energy in your solitude.

I know that the idea of putting yourself first in your schedules of things might sound to some people as a taboo. But it’s not supposed to be so.

In the previous article, (The Importance Of Being Alone), I talked about the idea of taking care of yourself and that you cannot serve others if you cannot serve yourself. I meant every word I said. So, learn to place your priorities, your happiness, and your life goals on the top list, because no one will take care of you if you neglect yourself and your happiness.

If you feel lost sometimes or constantly get caught up in problems that you cannot resolve, no matter how hard you try. You might need to take a break from the noise outside and look deeper inside yourself.

That might be the right time to explore yourself even more. That could be the time to tap into your inner potential you might not know you have right now.

As you do these at every given opportunity, you begin to know yourself more and more. So, learn to Embrace Your Solitary Moments because it’s your secret power.

Your key takeaways embracing your solitary moments

The practice of solitude is both a hard and rewarding experience at the same time. It is hard because it requires you to be alone with yourself; it requires you to be okay with your thoughts and emotions. It is rewarding because when you are able to spend time in solitude, you are able to engage in self-reflection and find peace. And this has many benefits for both your mental and physical health.

The practice of solitude has been shown to have many benefits such as increasing creativity, reducing stress levels, improving sleep quality, boosting immune system function, decreasing blood pressure levels, promoting healthy weight loss, and more.

We should not think of these benefits as just for the individual but also for society as a whole. If we can all practice more time in solitude then we will become less dependent on technology and other people which will lead to a healthier society overall.

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