How Maize Is Cultivated for Higher Yield

Want to learn how maize is cultivated for higher yield? Then keep reading. Maize, or corn, is an important crop that is used in many food products as well as being a major source of feed for cattle and other livestock.

Maize is grown in many parts of the world including Latin America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. One common variety of maize is known as dent corn because its kernels have a hole in the center.

Maize is sown in rows, 60-75 cm apart, whereas the plants in the row are spaced at 20 to 25 cm. A population of 60-75 thousand plants per hectare at harvest is required for obtaining the optimum yield.

When planting maize crops, make sure to vary the spacing between plants in order to maximize pollination.

Sow seeds from half to two inches deep and the soil should be warmed up to 21°C before you plan to transplant your crops. The block should be a minimum of four rows wide for maximum harvest.

Soil preparation for maize planting

Soil preparation is done before the planting of maize. Soil preparation is the process of breaking up the soil into small particles and mixing them with organic matter.

The purpose of soil preparation is to provide a fine granular seedbed for the seeds to germinate. This helps ensure that plants get enough oxygen and water from the soil. It also creates an environment where seeds are able to reach deep enough into the soil for optimum growth.

Soil preparation has many benefits for corn planting: It helps in making sure that plants have access to nutrients, water, and air that they need throughout their growth cycle.

It also ensures that plants have a good start in life because they are able to grow deep roots which can help them survive harsh weather conditions or competition from weeds or other plants.

The sowing of maize seed

The sowing process of maize is the second stage of growing maize. The seeds are grown at an approximate distance of 12.5cm deep at a depth of 5cm. 100,000 per hectare, then a more developed crop can be achieved by reducing the number of seeds, but this does not always work as every farm is different from each other and may require some trial.

For maize sowing, the ground temperature must be around 12 degrees Celsius. You can also sow in April because plants have difficulty growing if it’s too cold.

There is also a risk that the ground may freeze when temperatures drop in the fall, which is why you should make your fields ready before then.

The growing of maize crop

The process of growing maize as an agricultural crop involves three stages as:

  • Planting,
  • Tillage,
  • And cultivation.

Without this film wrapping the seed, it would take twenty days for your plant to break through the soil.

Some people talk about the temperature of the film, but a lot more about how it can affect their circumstances. Particularly when temperatures on a farm or industrial production site rise past 35-40 degrees Celsius, it provides an opportunity for all sorts of health issues to set in.

That perfect spot for planting your maize seeds should be warm and moist, offer plenty of air circulation, and be finely textured in order to easily make contact with the soil.

It can take up to between 60 to 100 days for maize plants to reach harvest, depending on the variety and the temperature during the growing season.

Harvesting of maize

At harvest time, maize plants are cut and put in the shade to make room for newly harvested plants. The cobs are removed after a few days of drying, so the dried plants can be used as hay.

Mechanized harvesting of maize is done with corn-pickers, corn-shellers, or combine harvesters. Still in use, but with decreasing frequency, are simple corn-snappers, which do only harvest ears.

Corn-pickers are machines that simultaneously harvest the ears and husks while leaving the kernel intact. They can also pick up more than one.

Silage making for maize

You won’t want to leave the maize on the ground, which means it will need a permanent place to live. For that, you will opt for a grower house with a foldable door and ceiling-mounted baskets that can be brought out during harvest season or when the weather is cold.

As silage making has some technical requirements and also comes with risks, it is imperative for you to be certain about the quality of your product.

You should know more about how to grow maize professionally and safely so cattle get just the right nutrition from the haze.

Conclusion on how maize is cultivated

While maize farming has been around for a long time, there are still many myths about how it is cultivated.

Increased use of maize cultivation worldwide has gone hand in hand with the availability of improved yield and increased size. Climate change also has a role to play here as it is pushing maize sowing closer to April every year

It is possible to drill maize at the right time of the year to give it a secure emergence in later dry periods.

Temperature, water supply, and soil are all of the crucial importance and are closely interlinked in maize cultivation. With proper management of these three factors, farmers can produce healthy plants with high yields.

If you are new to farming, make sure you pay attention to the guides in this article.

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