The Statistics of Immigrants In Veneto, Italy

In this article, we are going to consider the statistics of immigrants in the Veneto region of Italy. By the end of this article, you will learn valuable information about the region of Veneto and the numbers and demographic composition of immigrants in the region. Are you ready? So let’s get started.
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A description of the Veneto region of Italy
Let’s start with a short description of the region. Veneto is a Northeastern Italian region, stretching from the Dolomite Mountains to the Adriatic Sea. It’s the 8th largest region in Italy, with a total area of 18,398.9 square kilometers. The regional capital is Venice, which is famous for its numerous canals, Gothic architecture, and Carnival celebrations.
Have you heard of the big Hollywood stars, the likes of George Clooney, Angelina Jolie, and Denzel Washington in a long list of others, who come to celebrate their glamour at Venice’s film international festival?
Yes, that too is part of the reputation of the capital city of Veneto. Venice is and always will be one of the most important cities in the whole of Europe.
Veneto was part of the powerful Venetian Republic for more than 1,000 years, between the 7th to the 18th centuries.
In the Veneto region are such important cities as Vicenza with a high presence of the United States military base, the medieval Verona, the setting of the famous Shakespearian story, “Romeo & Juliet”, and Padova with a highly reputable university, one of the earliest universities in the whole of Europe.
The University of Padova was founded in 1222 when a group of students and teachers from Bologna decided to set up a free body of scholars. That was the birth of Padova university.
The GDP of Veneto region
The region of Veneto has a nominal GDP of €163 billion as of 2018 and a GDP per capita of nearly EUR33,000 (average 2019-2020), which means it’s not doing badly at all, compared to other regions, particularly those in the south of the country.
If you think this is the reason, a lot of people come to live and work in Veneto, you are most certainly right and this refers both to the internal and external migration high index across Italy.
The immigrant population and communities in the veneto region
By 2021, the total number of non-Italian residents in the whole country was put at about 6 million with steady growth, thanks to the high birth rate within the immigrant communities.
Now, let’s consider the number of immigrant residents in the region because as you might already know by now, that is our main focus in this article.
As of 1st January 2018, the Veneto region has a total immigrant resident of 487.864 which can be translated to mean 9,9% of the total residents in the region. We can further break that number down into different countries of origin, so you can have a better understanding of the immigrant presence in the territory.
The figures we are discussing in this article are the 2018 updates. So, depending on when you are reading this article, there might be some slight changes. Bear that in mind.
By continent wise, the majority of immigrants in the Veneto region are within Europe, both members of the European single market Union and non-members, some 280 thousand or 57% of the total migrants in the territory.
That is followed by the people coming from Africa, about 96 thousand or 19% of the total migrants.
The third on the list are Asians with 93 thousand or another 19% of the migrants.
That is followed by all the countries from America with a total of 16 thousand or 3% of the total migrants in the territory.
Every other migrant outside the already mentioned is a total of 200 or 0.04%.
With that said, let’s look at the most populated immigrant community in the territory.
Of all the European immigrants and immigrants generally in Veneto, Romanian is by far the highest on the list with 122 thousand people.
This is followed by the first country in Africa, which is Morocco with 45 thousand. The third on this list of the most populated migrants from Asia is China with 34 thousand of people.
Why Is This Important?
Well, for a lot of reasons, depending on what you are able to do with the information. Let’s say for instance you are a Ghanaian migrant and you want to start a business to serve the Ghanaian community in Veneto, in the case of Italy, or wherever that community might be.
Don’t you think you will need to know the data about the people? It can even be for you to better reconnect with your people. So, information such as this is extremely useful to you and to all.
Your key takeaways The Statistics of Immigrants In Veneto, Italy
That has been the statistics of migrants in the Veneto region of Italy. On a whole, the number of migrants in the region is quite significant, especially when you consider other demographic elements like birth rate, the high percentage of old people in the region and Italy in general, and the much younger immigrant population as working-class and more.
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