Jeff Brown Talks About His Photography Business In The UK

Jeff Brown Talks About His Photography Business In The UK

Want to learn about Business Photography? Then keep reading. The field of photography is changing, and as a result, there are more opportunities than ever before to make money with photography. One of the most common types of photography that people need to get into is corporate and business photography.

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Corporate photography, like any other type of photography, involves a lot of work and creativity in order to succeed. Commercial photography involves taking pictures that serve to convince, while corporate photography is intended to improve a company’s overall image.

These and more are what you are going to learn with Jeff Brown in today’s episode of Obehi podcast. So, get ready.

Some Key Points In This Episode

  • How to get started in business photography,
  • Photography and perceived value in branding,
  • How to market your photography service.

The Full Interview With Jeff Brown

7 ways to best leverage Photography Business

  1. Specialize in a niche: Offer unique services and specialize in a specific area of photography, such as weddings, food photography, or real estate photography.
  2. Build a strong brand: Establish a recognizable brand image through your logo, website, and social media presence.
  3. Network with other professionals: Collaborate with other photographers, vendors, and clients to expand your reach and gain new referrals.
  4. Invest in quality equipment: Invest in high-quality equipment that will help you produce professional-looking photographs.
  5. Offer personalized services: Offer customized packages and tailored services to meet your client’s individual needs.
  6. Utilize social media: Utilize social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn to showcase your work and reach a wider audience.
  7. Focus on customer satisfaction: Maintain strong relationships with your clients by providing exceptional customer service, responding promptly to their requests, and delivering high-quality work.

About The Guest: Jeff Brown

Jeff Brown is a Photographers’ mentor who helps photographers build a premium brand, with the promise to dominate LinkedIn, and make a lot more money with their photography business.

Jeff had successfully built a successful six-figure turnover wedding photography partnership and a commercial photography company. Later going on to open a separate school photography business with sixty nursery schools on their books and a boudoir makeover company turning over 1,000 boudoir shoots per year.

Jeff has shot over 750 weddings himself, but in 2015 turned his attention to developing an online photography business mentoring program, making it his mission to motivate and inspire photographers worldwide.

He now mentors photographers in over 20 countries, helping them develop their brands to become the “Go-To Photographers” in their niche and achieve the success they deserve.

Jeff has written a No.1 best-selling book on LinkedIn for Photographers (The Photographers Missing Link-edIn) and also runs regular LinkedIn Lives as a platform influencer with over 30k photographer followers.

Jeff’s second book The Ambitious Photographer’s Journal is a goal-setting and successful daily motivation journal purely for photographers, helping them beat procrastination and achieve their dreams.

He’s written for several photography magazines and associations and is also a brand and marketing ambassador for:

  • The British Photography Awards,
  • The Societies of Photographers,
  • The Female Photographers Association,
  • The British Institute of Professional Photographers,
  • The UK and US Brand Ambassador at Shutter Studio App,

Jeff Brown is an Ambassador and the Co-Founder of Avvente Photosharing Software.

He has been Sponsored by Loxley Colour in Glasgow to give help and support to their clients. As well as being an active ambassador for Studio Ninja software he is also a regular guest on photography podcasts around the world offering free advice and top tips to fellow photographers.

When not mentoring or taking photographs he loves to be outdoors doing hiking challenges and climbing mountains. Jeff lives in the beautiful county of Northumberland in the far North East of England close to the Scottish Border. He has a 14-year-old daughter Arya and a hyperactive springer spaniel called Charlie.

You can connect with Jeff Brown on his business page –

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Obehi Podcast brings you leaders and experts from different industries to share their experiences, relating to Africa and the African diaspora. Listen to Obehi Podcast across different platforms: SpotifyApple PodcastYouTube, and much more.

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