Joanne Kaminski talks about her Online Tutor Coaching Business

In this episode of Obehi Podcast, Joanne Kaminski will talk to us about her Online Tutor and Coaching Business. If you are an online tutor and you want to level up your business, you will need to listen to Joanne Kaminski.

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Some Key Points In This Episode

  • How to develop your training program, live webinar, or consultation
  • How to market your online Coaching program?
  • What are the strategies for winning as an Online Tutor?

See The Full Interview With Joanne Kaminski

5 effective ways to succeed in the online tutor coaching business

  1. Define Your Niche: Focus on a specific subject or skill that you are knowledgeable in and passionate about. Specializing in a specific area will help you stand out in a crowded market.
  2. Build a Strong Online Presence: Establish a professional website and social media presence to attract and engage with potential clients.
  3. Provide Quality Content: Develop and share high-quality educational materials, such as videos, tutorials, and articles, to demonstrate your expertise.
  4. Utilize Technology: Embrace technology and use online tools to deliver effective and interactive lessons.
  5. Focus on Customer Satisfaction: Make sure that your students are satisfied with your services. Encourage them to leave reviews and provide feedback to help you improve and grow your business. Regular communication and a supportive approach can foster a positive reputation and lead to long-term customer loyalty.

About The Guest: Joanne Kaminski

Hi, I’m Joanne Kaminski, and I help great tutors like you learn how to find your voice and market your tutoring services so that you can get students from all over the world working the hours you desire. Making you a highly successful tutor earning 4-5 figures a month.

I began my journey as a 3rd-grade teacher with little classroom management skills.  (I swear this should be a course in college).

I returned to 3rd grade the following year and found my passion for teaching reading.  With only 30% of our students reading on the grade level I dived deep into learning everything I could to help them.

At the end of the year, I was selected as a trainer to train other teachers in the SFA reading program with Edison schools.

The following year I looped with my class to 4th grade and continued to train teachers all over the country.  By the end of the year, I was asked to also train the trainers.

I was on top of the world.  Then I became pregnant.  The busy lifestyle of teaching my own students and traveling the country training was no lifestyle for a baby.

I was ready to leave the school, but my principal approached me and asked if I would become the Reading Curriculum Coordinator.  With the ability to have more flexibility and no homework to correct I immediately said yes.

As the years progressed there was a bigger problem in our school.  Each year we had a 50% teacher turnover rate.  The only teachers we were able to hire were first year teachers. These first-year teachers struggled with classroom management as much as I did.

I found myself helping with classroom management so that they could teach reading to their students.  I felt like I was on a downward spiral.  As much as I wanted to increase the overall reading scores, I was at a loss on how to do it under these circumstances.

It was with a saddened heart that I left that school and took a position as a reading specialist in the Waukesha School District.  Switching schools did not fulfill me and I ended up becoming ill.

I took a leave of absence to take care of my health.  When I came back, I sat in my chair in my office and had one of those major revelations.  I was not meant to be here.

Learn More About Obehi Podcast

Obehi Podcast brings you leaders and experts from different industries to share their experiences, relating to Africa and the African diaspora. Listen to Obehi Podcast across different platforms: SpotifyApple PodcastYouTube, and much more.

Join AClasses Content Academy if you want to learn more about Content Creation Strategy and how to leverage content for your Business.

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