John Robertson Talks About Commercial Photography

John Robertson Talks About Commercial Photography

Want to learn about Commercial photography? Then you are in the right place. Commercial photography is the use of photography to advertise and promote products or services.

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Commercial photographers are often hired by businesses to provide professional quality photos that can be used in advertising, brochures, magazines, newspapers, and much more.

While starting your commercial photography career may seem daunting, there are a few things you can do to make the process easier for you. There are many aspects to consider when planning a shoot and many different types of clients to work with.

A commercial photographer can take photos of a product in a way that appeals to all three senses as followed:

  • Visual,
  • Informative,
  • And aesthetically pleasing.

How does it work? Listen to John Robertson who will be joining us from his UK studio to talk about his career in commercial photography. Enjoy the episode and much more in Obehi Podcast.

Some Key Points In This Episode

  • What we need to know about commercial photography,
  • What should one concentrate on in editorial photography,
  • What separates commercial photography from other types,
  • How to use photography to tell a convincing story.

The Full Interview With John Robertson

10 best things beginners should know about commercial photography

Are you a beginner? Here are ten things you know to know about commercial photography if you want to excel in your business:

  1. Understanding the client’s needs: It is important to understand the client’s goals, target audience and desired outcome for the photoshoot.
  2. Planning and preparation: Successful commercial photography requires careful planning, including scouting locations, lighting setup, and shot list.
  3. Use of professional equipment: Invest in high-quality cameras, lenses, and lighting equipment to produce professional-looking photographs.
  4. Lighting techniques: Mastering lighting techniques, such as natural light, artificial light, and flash, can help you create dynamic and appealing images.
  5. Post-production techniques: Post-production techniques, such as color correction and retouching, can enhance your images and bring out their full potential.
  6. Copyright and licensing: Familiarize yourself with copyright laws and licensing agreements to protect your work and ensure you are paid for its use.
  7. Building a portfolio: Build a strong portfolio to showcase your work and demonstrate your skills and expertise to potential clients.
  8. Networking: Network with other photographers, art directors, and clients to expand your reach and gain new referrals.
  9. Marketing and promotion: Utilize various marketing and promotion strategies, such as social media and advertising, to reach a wider audience and generate new business.
  10. Business acumen: Develop a strong understanding of business practices, including pricing, contracts, and invoicing, to run a successful commercial photography business.

About The Guest: John Robertson

John Robertson is a photographer with eye-catching imagery for editorial and commercial purposes. Hear him out in his own words:

I became a photographer by accident. It had always been a hobby since I first experiments with my family Box Brownie at around 6 years old. At fifteen years of age, I had my first photo published, on the front page of a local weekly newspaper That made me change my mind about joining the Royal Air Force.

When I left Alcester Grammar School I went into the National Council for the Training of Journalist’s pre-entry press photography course based in Wednesbury in The West Midlands, Epping, and at the London College of Printing, (now University of the Arts, London).

After passing the NCTJ course I went to work for The Stratford upon Avon Herald newspaper, then The Wellingborough Leader, and on to the Northants Evening Telegraph.

Working my way up from there by freelancing on my days off and during holidays, my first national publication was Motor Cycle News then The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph, and The Independent.

Various awards came my way, including Regional Photographer of the Year a couple of times and I decided it was time to ditch the local papers and work as a full-time freelance for the national papers I’d already begun to contribute to.

Over forty years later I’m still working for those same national newspapers, but also doing commercial work and video too, including work for national charities.

I’ve written for various blogs, including The Manfrotto School of Excellence, mentored various assistants, and founded a group for professional photographers that is still going strong eight years later.

You can connect with John Robertson on his business website –

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