Melvinia Ford Talks about Her Coaching Business – the Rebirth Holistic Healing

Holistic healing is the use of natural substances, such as plants and herbs, to treat various ailments. It is a form of alternative medicine that works with the mind, body, and spirit to heal. It has been said that holistic healing can help individuals with rebirth by helping them work through their pasts and find a new life in the present.

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The field of holistic healing has been around for centuries and has become increasingly popular in recent years. Holistic healing is based on the idea that physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and social well-being are all interconnected.

The goal of holistic healing is to help people heal themselves holistically by focusing on all 5 of these areas.

The traditional Western medical model is linear, meaning that a doctor will address the presenting symptom and not look any deeper. This approach has been proven to be less effective as it can lead to other related symptoms. With holistic healing, all parts of an individual’s life are taken into consideration at once.

In Today’s episode of Obehi Podcast, we will learn more about this as Melvinia Ford, the founder of ReBirth Holistic Healing talks about her coaching business and how she helps her clients to regain control of their lives.

Some Key Points In This Episode

  • Starting out as a Holistic Healing coach,
  • Why she calls your coaching program “ReBirth Holistic Healing”
  • Some recommendations for rebirth in people’s lives.

The Full Interview With Melvinia Ford

About the guest: Melvinia Ford

Coach Rev. Melvinia Ford is the owner and founder of ReBirth Holistic Healing started in 2011. Melvinia has a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice, a Master of Management from the University of Phoenix as well as a Bachelor in Metaphysical Science from the University of Metaphysics. She has experience in researching case law and has also taken courses in pre-law and writing case briefs.

Rev. Melvinia is an author and holds certifications in metaphysical holistic life coaching and counseling, Usui Reiki, Cognitive Behavioral mentoring, and Art Therapy.  She is also an International Motivational Speaker.

She is the US Tennessee State Chair for ALL G100 Oneness & Wisdom, and serves on the advisory committee for the US wing as well as the Subconscious Compensation “Rewarding Yourself” committee.

Rev. Melvinia uses her platform and her life experiences as the best example of overcoming in the areas of abuse and neglect using cognitive behavioral methods.  Rev. Melvinia is pursuing a Ph.D. in Metaphysical Counseling.

Her books “What The Hell, A Life Testimony,” and “What The Hell, Her Rise From the Ashes” are both available on in paperback and also on Kindle.  She also has just finished creating her healing workbook that is available for those that seek to work on their healing journey on their own, or during mentoring sessions.

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Obehi Podcast brings you leaders and experts from different industries to share their experiences, relating to Africa and the African diaspora. Listen to Obehi Podcast across different platforms: SpotifyApple PodcastYouTube, and much more.

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