Understanding Ghostwriting Strategies For Content Creators – Nishoni (Burkhart) Harvey Explains

Ghostwriting is a professional writing practice where an individual, often referred to as a ghostwriter, crafts written content, such as articles, books, speeches, or social media posts, on behalf of someone else, typically a client or author, who takes credit for the work.

Want to learn more about storytelling? Start by downloading the first chapter of The Storytelling Series for Small Businesses.

Ghostwriters often work behind the scenes to capture the client’s voice, style, and ideas, producing content that aligns with the client’s objectives while remaining anonymous or uncredited.

This service allows clients to leverage the expertise and writing skills of a ghostwriter to produce high-quality content while maintaining their public image and brand.

See the full podcast interview with Nishoni (Burkhart) Harvey

5 Ghostwriting Strategies For Content Creators

Ghostwriting is a valuable skill for content creators who want to produce high-quality content for various platforms without necessarily being the public face of their work. Here are five strategies for content creators to excel in ghostwriting:

  1. Understand the Client’s Voice and Brand: The most crucial aspect of ghostwriting is capturing the client’s unique voice and maintaining consistency with their brand. To do this, thoroughly research the client’s previous work, social media presence, and any guidelines they provide. Pay attention to their tone, style, and messaging to ensure your writing aligns with their identity.
  2. Effective Communication: Clear and open communication is key to successful ghostwriting. Regularly check in with your client to discuss project expectations, timelines, and any changes in direction. Be receptive to feedback and be willing to revise to meet their needs. A strong working relationship is built on trust and collaboration.
  3. Research and Knowledge Acquisition: Ghostwriters often work on a wide range of topics. To write authoritatively, you must be skilled at conducting thorough research. Take the time to understand the subject matter, gather credible sources, and stay up-to-date with the latest developments. This knowledge will enhance your credibility and the quality of your work.
  4. Adaptability and Versatility: Ghostwriters should be versatile in their writing style and format. Be prepared to write blog posts, articles, speeches, eBooks, or social media content as needed. Adapt your writing style to suit the specific platform and audience while maintaining the client’s voice and objectives.
  5. Maintain Confidentiality and Ethics: Ghostwriting often involves handling sensitive information and maintaining client confidentiality. It’s essential to adhere to ethical standards and contractual agreements. Never take credit for the work you ghostwrite and respect the client’s wishes regarding anonymity. Upholding these principles is crucial for long-term success in the industry.

In addition to these strategies, it’s also essential for ghostwriters to have strong project management skills, meet deadlines consistently, and continuously improve their writing skills. Building a strong reputation as a reliable and skilled ghostwriter can lead to a successful and fulfilling career in content creation.

About the guest – Nishoni (Burkhart) Harvey

Nishoni is a master writer, author, coach, and certified business coach. She has published five of my own books and ghostwritten 21 other bestselling books. She has also co-authored two books and has poetry published in two compilation books. Nishoni has a degree in Secondary Education with a minor in English, several classes toward her Master’s, and has taken many other courses in writing and business throughout the years.

Using these credentials, she has taught English for over 15 years, taught English as a Second Language for one year, and coached authors in book writing, publishing, and marketing for five years. She is also a certified business coach and has been teaching authors, coaches, and business owners how to use their books to start a new business or market their current business for four years.

Nishoni has published five of her books and ghostwritten 21 other bestselling books. She has also co-authored two books and has poetry published in two compilation books. She puts feet to her strategies, using her books to push her business forward, gain clients, and boost revenue.

It breaks Nishoni’s heart to see people not writing their books so they can promote their business or build a name for themselves or their business because they think they’re not good enough or know enough. Therefore, it’s her goal, through her business, Your Inkwell, to help as many coaches and business owners get their brainstorms into print as possible.

That’s why she helps coaches and executives write their books (or have them ghostwritten) so they can be successful in their field, gain clients, and boost their revenue.

Your Inkwell offers quality ghostwriting, coaching, and author services, such as editing and formatting, publishing, and marketing all in one place. Your Inkwell is the one-stop shop for self-published authors! Nishoni also builds websites and landing pages through Your Inkwell to promote the books, writes SEO-rich copy for each page and copywrites blogs.

Nishoni has written articles for a newspaper and managed her own blogs throughout the years. One blog on Mental Illness is entitled “Through It All”. It includes her and her daughter’s journeys through life with mental illnesses and her journey raising two children with autism and one with a mental illness. “Through It All” is also full of blog posts that are helpful to those with mental health problems and those who have loved ones with mental illness.

You can find this at www.throughitallpresson.wordpress.com.

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Obehi Podcast brings you leaders and experts from different industries to share their experiences, relating to the African diaspora, business, and storytelling. Listen to Obehi Podcast across different platforms: SpotifyApple PodcastYouTube, and much more.

Want to learn more about storytelling? Start by downloading the first chapter of The Storytelling Series for Small Businesses.

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