How To Renew Yourself With The Power Of Solitude

Solitude is a state of mind that can be achieved in many ways. The most popular way is to go for a walk and enjoy the beauty of nature. We know that solitude is not about isolation, but it’s about feeling connected to something bigger than yourself. It’s about being able to find your inner peace and happiness.
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Welcome to the continuation of our monthly discussion on the power of solitude. If this is your first article in the series, make sure you see the previous ones, so you can get the full discussion.
What you will learn about solitude
Here are the subtopics we are covering in the article series on “Solitude”
- How to Walk Alone Sometimes – The Power of Solitude
- Embrace Your Solitary Moments – The Power Of Solitude
- The Importance Of Being Alone – The Power Of Solitude
- What is Solitude? – The Power Of Solitude
Give yourself the permission to go deeper about your life
Solitude is the time when you get to think deeply and reflect on what you want from life, what your goals are and how you are going to achieve them. It’s also the time when you can do things that you don’t have time for during your busy days – like reading, writing or drawing.
Today, things are moving faster than ever before and our control over our situations is gradually been stressed beyond the limit.
The internet has made it possible for us and our thoughts to travel the world in a fraction of a second. With all these changes, there are mounting pressures we face every day, the concern now is how do we retake control over our lives?
How do we think deeper instead of this shallow lifestyle where everyone is simply following everyone else, like computer programs?
This is the age of information overload, and we do not know yet what the actual consequences of this will be in the long term.
In my view, in my thinking, this high speed in our lives today may be comparable to a computer that is frozen with too much information to elaborate on, and one of the best solutions is usually to restart the computer.
This is how we come to the power of solitude, a deliberate decision to stay away from the noise and over-speed in our lives, so we can experience a sort of reset, renew our minds and recharge our energy.
At this point, you might be comfortable, interchanging the words “solitude” and “loneliness”, but as we have discussed in our earlier article on this argument (How to Walk Alone Sometimes), the two are not exactly the same.
In a general sense of things, loneliness is a negative state, marked by a sense of isolation, where one feels that something is missing. You might have heard some people saying things like, “there is a crowd around me but I still feel lonely”. That is not what we are talking about here.
Solitude, in most cases, is deliberately created for self-regeneration and to find a deeper meaning in one’s life. It helps to redirect your attention to your inside, the very depth of you, and your inner richness.
Imagine yourself seated in front of a flowing stream of water with nothing around you, but just the flowing water, the sound of birds, insects, and the water. Imagine the serenity, the sensation, and the peace of mind.
Solitude is a means of enjoying the quiet state of mind that helps you draw inspiration and sustenance from the world around you. It is the fullness of richness, something beyond what you can explain.
Solitude is something that you can cultivate and it’s refreshing like the stream water; a time to renew yourself and recharge your energy.
Now, let’s see some of the ways you can Renew Yourself with the Power of Solitude. I mean the true advantages of your solitary moments.
Reboot your brain in your solitary moments
This is one of the main advantages you get when you are alone. It is true that spending time alone helps your brain to regain its strength and vivacity. In his book, “The 20-Minute Break” Ernest Rossi, a psychotherapist wrote about what he calls the Ultradian Healing Response.
This, according to different experts, is based on our body’s ultradian rhythm, a recurrent period or cycle repeated throughout a 24-hour day. See it as a kind of the body’s natural waking and resting cycle – roughly 90 minutes of activity, followed by some 20 minutes of rest.
“Essentially, the brain cannot perform well after 90 minutes without a break. Pushing through actually makes you much less productive and drains your energy. Taking a 20-minute timeout after every 90 minutes of activity can not only refresh you but also allows you to come back to what you were doing with greater clarity and attention.”
What this is basically demonstrating is that taking a break from the noising world into a quiet place all by yourself, even for a short period of time can be very vital for your productivity and your peace of mind. It helps you to reboot your brain.
It’s ok just to relax, don’t feel guilty
It is very common for most of us to fill up our days with activities. At any little space available, we are dragged here and there by other people, and in most cases to satisfy exigencies outside our own needs. And all these plus the miseducation of the media compel us to live a life of superficiality and follow the followers, without ever knowing why.
Why don’t we just relax sometimes without feeling guilty for not accomplishing anything particular at that moment?
As remarked by Thomas Moors, “Nothing in our culture or in our education teaches us how to go inward, how to steady the mind and calm our attention.”
“Many of us,” said in an article (Why You Must Have Time Alone) feel compelled to measure our success in terms of acquisition and accomplishment. But even women who are unwilling to buy into such a narrow definition of success may feel uncomfortable with the idea of claiming time just for themselves, with no agenda whatsoever.”
It can be a perfect argument that we have become machines by our current systems. We have learned to take advantage of the speed and are almost perfect in everything we do. We have been able to challenge everything we see or imagine, and the very idea of impossibility is now, almost, questionable.
But something is been neglected and we need to claim it. It’s our humanity, our being humans with permission to make mistakes. Let’s accept that it is ok to simply rest. It is ok to detach ourselves from all the little gadgets and electronics that keep our lives in a constant loop of want and connectivity.
Yes, it’s ok to take out time just to rest, so we can renew ourselves and refocus our purpose of living.
Learn to connect with nature
One of the best ways to renew yourself with the Power of Solitude is to connect with nature. We are products of nature, so it’s normal that we learn to tap into the natural forces each and every other time. It’s like going back to the origins, and it leads to self-regeneration.
Do want to learn more about relaxing with nature? Check out and you will find a lot of value for your time.
Like in the previous quote from Thomas Moors, don’t expect the people or the systems to do this for you. It is your duty to know what you want and go for it.
This will be particularly beneficial if much of your day is spent indoors or at a computer and other electronic devices. Nature is powerful and it can help you regenerate yourself. To do this, you don’t necessarily need to travel to the Amazon jungle or the Himalayas mountains.
In the city where you live, there might be some green space, farmlands, little mountains or a river nearby. Going to have a walk in those natural places are in itself a rich therapy for you. And this therapy can help reduce your stress and at the same time increase your states of relaxation, peace of mind, and happiness.
Your key takeaways from renewing yourself with the power of solitude
If really you want to take advantage of your solitude and regenerate yourself in the process, nature is your best bet and if you start tapping into it today, it’s not too late. This article has been about how to renew yourself with the Power of Solitude and this is all we can take from it today.
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