Exploring Men’s Relationship With Men Love And Relationship Coach, Stefania Puleo

Exploring Men's Relationship With Men Love And Relationship Coach, Stefania Puleo

In this episode of Obehi podcast, we are going to be exploring men’s relationships with a coach. I can already hear someone asking such questions as: “do we really need a coach about our relationships” or “are we naturally not supposed to be experts on that?”

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Well, the straight answer is “it depends”. Remember that all men are not the same when it comes to attracting the right women to their lives. So, if you struggle in this area, know that you are not alone and do not be ashamed to ask for help because we all need help in different areas of our lives.

In this episode, I am going to be relying on Stefania Puleo, a men’s love and relationship coach to help us understand some hidden gems about today’s topic.

Stefania Puleo has a mission to help men who suffer from Stress, Frustration, and Overwhelm in Relationships and Dating to finally find success. So, this might just be the right information for you.

The Key Points In This Episode:

  • What is responsible for relationship-related trauma in men?
  • What do women really want from men?
  • And how can men learn to avoid toxic relationships with women?

The Full Interview With Stefania Puleo

About The Guest – Stefania Puleo

Stefania Puleo is the CEO and Founder of The Gentlemen Square. She aspires to provide a platform for men which uses collective wisdom, knowledge, skills, and resources to help men navigate through the landscape of dating or for men who suffer from stress, frustration, and overwhelm particularly after abusive relationships.

The Gentlemen Square is: “A safe space where men can come together in brotherhood to actually heal and forge forward to attract their ideal woman, understand her psychology and know how to handle female energy. Without going crazy.”

Stefania is a Love/Relationship Coach and a Certified Hypnotherapist. She is also a Personal Trainer, an Author, and an unstoppable visionary dedicated to helping men recognize their true potential.

Born and raised in the suburbs of Melbourne Australia, with nothing more than a passion for people, relationships, and life. She has traveled and lived on 3 different continents around the world learning and understanding cultural differences between men and women in relationships.

The Gentlemen Square has enabled Stefania to create a socially conscious digital space that reaches thousands of men from all around the world.

You can contact Stefania Puleo on her business website: Thegentlemensquare.com

Learn More About The Podcast

Obehi Podcast brings you leaders and experts from different industries to share their experiences, relating to Africa and the African diaspora. Listen to Obehi Podcast across different platforms: SpotifyApple PodcastYouTube, and much more.

Download the first chapter of The Storytelling Series: Beginners’ Guide for Small Businesses & Content Creators by Obehi Ewanfoh.

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